Expert Clinical Psychologist
She graduated from Işık University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology (English), where she studied with full scholarship between September 2014 and January 2019, with the first place in the faculty and department. Between 2019-2020, she received Pedagogical Formation training at Marmara University. In February 2021, she was awarded a master's degree in Clinical Psychology at Üsküdar University. In 2022, she successfully graduated from the master's program with her project titled "Emerging Smoking as a Method of Coping with Stress in Adolescents".
During her undergraduate education, she completed vocational internships in psychological counseling and special education and rehabilitation centers. During her master's degree, she completed her clinical psychology internship at NPISTANBUL Hospital.
After her undergraduate graduation, she started working as an institutional psychologist in kindergarten. In the following years, she provided psychological counseling to children and adolescents in various educational institutions. After completing her master's degree in clinical psychology, she started working with adults in Turkish and English on online therapy and psychological counseling sites. Subsequently, she worked face-to-face with adults in a psychological counseling center.
MOXO Attention Test, MMPI, Bender-Geştalt Test (Application for Children), Gesell Developmental Test, Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test, Ankara Developmental Inventory, D2 Attention Test, Metropolitan School Readiness Test, PeaBody Word Picture Test, Porteus Mazes Test, Good Enough - Harris Draw a Human Test-training.
Since 2021, she has been in the supervision process in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy training she has been receiving from Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zihni Sungur and since 2022 in the Psychodynamically Oriented Rorschach and TAT training she has been receiving from Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrem Erdem Atak.