Operating Rooms

Operating Rooms

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NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, hasta ve çalışan güvenliğini önceleyen, modern tıbbi yetkinliğe sahip 4 ameliyathanesiyle hizmet vermektedir. Bunlardan biri, Türkiye'deki ilk ve tek 1A (Ultra Temiz) hava kalitesine sahip ameliyathanedir. Ameliyathaneler, ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara uygun hijyenik havalandırma sistemleri, yüksek çözünürlüklü tıbbi sınıf monitörlere sahip son teknoloji entegre sistemleri, çok boyutlu görüntüleme cihazları ve son teknoloji dünya markalarından FDA, CE ve UTS sertifikalı tıbbi cihazlarla donatılmıştır. Minimum invaziv cerrahi yaklaşımı için mikroskopik, laparoskopik, endoskopik ve artroskopik görüntüleme sistemleri mevcuttur. Ameliyat öncesi ve sırasında görüntüleme sistemlerinden elde edilen görüntüler değerlendirilir. Anestezi güvenliği, atık gaz ve anestezik madde kullanımını azaltarak sağlanır. Hastane ayrıca, enfeksiyon riskini en aza indirmek için cerrahi alet takibi sistemi ve dijital ameliyathane sistemi gibi teknolojiler kullanır. Sunulan işlemler arasında beyin cerrahisi, gastroenterolojik cerrahi, genel cerrahi, KBB, onkolojik cerrahi, ortopedi ve travmatoloji ve plastik ve rekonstrüktif cerrahi bulunur. Güvenli cerrahi prosedürleri, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü ve JCI standartlarına uygun olarak, 8 ana adımdan oluşan önemli kontroller ile desteklenmektedir. Bunlar arasında doğru hasta kimlik tespiti, yer işaretlemesi, ameliyat öncesi klinik kontrol, hasta sistemi, ameliyathaneye teslim, anestezi klinik kontrolü, Time Out ve Sign Out bulunmaktadır. Akıllı bina konsepti, giriş-çıkış kontrolü, envanter kontrolleri, yangın algılama sistemi ve IP TV sistemi ile desteklenmektedir.

Our Operating Rooms and Safe Surgery

As NPISTANBUL Hospital, we provide services in our operating rooms that protect patient and employee safety with modern medical competence in all departments.

We have increased the number of operating rooms to 4 by adding 2 more operating rooms to our operating rooms within the framework of our investments made with our latest technological devices.

Our 1A (Ultra Clean) air quality operating room, the first of which we established in 2015, is still the first and only one in Turkey. 1A (Ultra Clean) air quality operating room is the gold standard for neurosurgery, orthopedics and organ transplantation surgeries.

There are 2 operating rooms with laminar flow units, one of which is 1B, and an intensive care unit with a capacity of 15 beds. The intensive care unit can provide full-fledged service to intensive care patients at all levels up to Level 3.

We are ready for your service with Turkey's first and only 1A Ultra Clean operating room equipment approved by an independent accredited organization and our superior technological infrastructure that assists surgical operations. As NPISTANBUL Hospital, we have 4 operating rooms on active duty.

In order to protect our patients from infections in safe surgical operation procedures, we have designed the hygienic ventilation systems of our operating rooms in accordance with national and international standards (SBKS, DIN 1946-4, ASHRAE 170 ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170, ISO 14644-4) and have been successfully approved by independent accredited conformity assessment bodies by subjecting them to challenging tests.

We evaluate and use the images we collect from all imaging systems before and during surgery on our high-resolution medical grade monitors in our state-of-the-art smart operating room integration systems.

We offer the opportunity to minimize the need for a second surgery by verifying the success of the surgery with our multidimensional imaging devices that we use in the operating room.

Anesthesia is a very important part of surgery. In addition to increasing the safety of the operation by reducing the use of waste gas and anesthetic substances, we are able to measure and treat the depth of anesthesia and pain at every stage of the operation.

For your safety, we have selected and equipped all our medical devices from the latest technology world brands that have proven themselves and have FDA, CE and UTS certificates.

The central purification system, ventilation system and the latest technological instruments used in our operating rooms provide appropriate conditions for patient protection.

They are equipped with microscopic, laparoscopic, endoscopic and arthroscopic imaging systems consisting of the latest technology world brands that have proven themselves with the minimally invasive surgery approach. With this equipment, we can safely perform surgeries with minimal incisions and thus help you recover quickly.

Advantages of Our Operating Room Equipment for Physicians and Patients

Infection Protection: Sterilization safety has been raised to the highest level with hygienic ventilation, controlled passage areas, surgical equipment tracking systems in accordance with TS EN-ISO 14644 standard that we have created in our risky areas.

Surgical success During the surgical interventions we perform using computer-aided navigation systems, by clearly determining all the borders of the mass and its relationship with neighboring tissues in 3D, both the surgical incision required to reach the mass is made in the most accurate place and the lesion targeted during surgery is approached with a high degree of accuracy (with a precision of 1 mm) and the damage that may occur in healthy tissue during surgery is minimized. If a surgical intervention is to be performed for biopsy, our navigation system makes the necessary calculations to enter the mass and allows us to reach the mass in the shortest time and with the least damage.

Intra-operative 3D imaging: We offer the opportunity to minimize the need for a second surgery by confirming the success of the surgery with our multidimensional imaging devices that we use in the operating room.

Brain stimulation treatments (Deep Brain Stimulation-DBS): In Parkinson's disease, gait disorders and some other psychiatric disorders, we offer treatment options that enable the patient to continue his/her normal life with applications to the area of the brain related to the disease.

Anesthesia safety: One of the parameters that our patients are most concerned about is the safe administration of anesthesia. In the operating room of NPISTANBUL Hospital, our anesthesia devices with End-Tidal Control and ecoFLOW technologies help to safely optimize patient oxygenation and prevent too low (hypoxic) or excessive anesthetic gas flow. In addition to improving surgical safety by reducing the use of waste gases and anesthetic substances, we are able to measure and treat the depth of anesthesia and pain at every stage of the operation.

Automatic recording system: Thanks to this system, all data of the patient is automatically transferred to the patient files without the need for manual record keeping in the operating room and our authorized personnel can access the records obtained from the monitors. Thus, it is ensured that our physicians can follow up the patient from outside the hospital.

Surgical instrument tracking system: With this system, all our surgical instruments are marked and patient safety is taken to the highest level by monitoring the processes, database recording and sterilization services in order to question the possibility of infection.

Digital operating room system: With the HL7 protocol in our operating room, direct integration with PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System), hospital information system (HIS), Laboratory information systems, recording from all medical devices with camera feature in the operating room (including security cameras), management of recorded surgery video images, We have created a centralized integrated system that includes all the necessary hardware and software for sending and archiving videos to the PACS server and a dedicated server, teleconferencing, video streaming (at medical level) and most importantly, a smart operating room that knows and helps its surgeon.

Videoconferencing system: With this technology, surgeons can communicate face-to-face remotely and one or more competent surgeons can be involved in the operation.

Data processing: Our hospital has a centralized system. An operating room that can be changed from the air conditioning to the electrical components of the building to the pressure according to the living conditions inside has been established. The air conditioning and pressure in the operating room can be changed according to the needs of the operation.

Information security: A technology that is accepted in terms of patient privacy and that protects patient information with software and hardware is used. All information can be in the hands of anyone authorized as soon as it is entered into the system. This system is used throughout our hospital.

Smart building concept: Entrance and exit, inventory controls, fire detection system are designed with the smart building concept. No keys are used on psychiatry floors. Entrances and exits are under control by applying a card access system in all our clinics. IP TV system is available in the entire building. HD camera security system has been installed.

Postoperative intensive care service: We provide postoperative care in our intensive care unit equipped with advanced technology that maximizes the quality of postoperative care.

Thanks to advanced technology systems, surgery risks are minimized. The most advanced microscopic surgery facility that can perform tumor surgery with fluorescent staining is provided.

In neurosurgery; pediatric neurosurgery, tumor and aneurysm operations are performed. O-Arm, MRI, CT, navigation and ICG, frame technologies for such surgeries are applied for the first time in our hospital.

Thanks to our digital X-ray that can take automatic scoliosis images, the entire spine can be visualized in a short time.

The advanced imaging quality, calculation, measurement and reporting capability of the neuronavigation-supported high-level intra-operative color doppler ultrasonography device enables the surgical operation to proceed in a controlled manner. At the same time, this system is known as the flagship of neurosurgical imaging.

With the neuronavigation-supported 3D imaging system, preoperative and intraoperative images can be fused and thus the target can be reached in the shortest and fastest way with minimum incision.

Which Operations Do We Perform in Our Operating Rooms?

  • Brain Surgery
  • Gastroenterologic Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • KBB
  • Oncologic Surgery
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

What is Safe Surgery?

We attach great importance to teamwork, prioritizing the implementation of an operation under the healthiest conditions. With the development of surgical methods in our country and in the world, safe surgical operation procedures are mandatory. Therefore, many precautions need to be taken in order to perform complex surgeries, which are very difficult and problematic, in a safer way. This has many advantages for both the patient and the physician, including reduced surgical trauma, safer procedures and fewer complications.

Application Areas in Safe Surgery

Significant patient injuries, adverse reactions and sentinel events due to incorrect site, incorrect operation and incorrect patient surgery continue to be a concern for hospitals. Such misconceptions result from ineffective or poor communication within the members of the team performing the surgical/invasive procedure, failure to establish a phase for marking the operative site and involving the patient in the process.

In addition to these situations, incomplete examination of the patient, inadequate handling of medical records, and poor communication among members of the surgical team are other factors that often contribute to errors.

In our hospital, very detailed studies on this subject have been carried out in line with the World Health Organization and JCI standards. Important controls consisting of 8 main steps are provided before all surgeries;

  • Accurate identification of the patient's identity information
  • Place marking
  • Clinical control before surgery
  • Patient system
  • Delivery of the patient to the operating room
  • Anesthesia clinical control
  • Time Out
  • Sign Out

Time-out; Before the operation starts, all team members are present and determine whether the patient is the right person, agree on the correctness of the procedure to be performed and the correctness of the surgical / invasive procedure area and record the process.

Sign-out process; It is a method stated in the World Health Organization (WHO) Safe surgery control form that it is necessary to be applied before the patient leaves the part where the procedure is performed. During this process; the name of the surgical procedure being recorded/written, the completion of the instrument, sponge (hydrophilic gauze) and needle counts (if applicable) are agreed upon and these stages are recorded.

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CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At13 February 2020
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