Content Summary

NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, 2012 yılında "Türkiye'nin İlk Akredite Nöropsikiyatri Hastanesi" ve 2018 yılında "Dünyanın İlk Akredite Beyin Hastanesi" unvanlarını almış olup, 2024 yılında beşinci kez JCI (Joint Commission International) denetiminden başarıyla geçmiştir. Nöroşirürji, genel cerrahi, KBB, dahiliye, nöroloji, psikoloji ve psikiyatri gibi alanlarda hizmet veren hastane, kişiselleştirilmiş tedavi yaklaşımıyla, "Beyin Fonksiyonlarını Ölçerek Tedavi" ve "Düşünce Odaklı Tıp" gibi yeni yaklaşımların yanı sıra farmakogenetik yaklaşımı (TDM, fenotipleme ve genotipleme) kullanmaktadır. 2 adet laminar akım ünitesi bulunan dijital ameliyathanesi ve 16 yataklı yoğun bakım ünitesiyle robotik cerrahi dahil çeşitli ameliyatlar (tümör, omurilik ve anevrizma ameliyatları, Parkinson, OKB, depresyon ve epilepsi için pil ameliyatları) sunmaktadır. 3 Tesla MRI cihazı ile kapalı alan korkusu veya obezite şikayeti olan hastalara da hizmet vermekte ve ayrıca yurt içi ve yurt dışı hastalara telepsikiyatri hizmeti sunmaktadır. Hastane, toplam 30.000 metrekare alan ve 149 yatak kapasitesi ile hastalar ve yakınları için ev ortamı yaratmayı hedeflemektedir.

"Brain-oriented interdisciplinary approach increases treatment effectiveness."

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan

NPISTANBUL Hospital, which received the titles of "Turkey's first Accredited Neuropsychiatric Hospital" in 2012 and "World's first Accredited Brain Hospital" in 2018, successfully passed the JCI (Joint Commission International) audit for the fifth time in 2024.

At NPISTANBUL Hospital, which offers personalized service for diseases related to mental/brain health with the advanced treatment facilities of modern medicine; diagnosis and treatment services are provided in general branches such as neurosurgery, general surgery, ENT, internal medicine, neurosurgery, neurology, psychology, psychiatry and neurology.

Among our psychiatry treatment opportunities; There are also new approaches such as"Treatment by Measuring Brain Functions" and"Thought-Focused Medicine". Our hospital is among the first hospitals in Turkey to adopt the pharmacogenetic approach (therapeutic drug blood level monitoring (TDM), phenotyping and genotyping ) in diagnosis and treatment processes.

There are 2 digital operating rooms with laminar flow units, one of which is 1A, and an intensive care unit with a capacity of 16 beds, where services are provided in many areas ranging from robotic surgery to Tumor, Spinal Cord and Aneurysm surgery, and battery surgeries applied in Parkinson's, OCD, Depression and Epilepsy. The intensive care unit can provide full-fledged service to intensive care patients at all levels up to Level 3. With our 3 Tesla MRI device, we also provide services to patients with claustrophobia or obesity complaints.

NPISTANBUL Hospital, which also offers telepsychiatry (online therapy) services for out-of-town and overseas clients, is a hospital that focuses on excellence in health, taking into account the "comfort of treatment" that will positively affect the treatment processes as well as science. Our hospital, which has a total area of 30,000 square meters and 149 bed capacity, aims to create a feeling of home for patients and their relatives.

Our Medical Units


Address: Yamanevler Mah. Ahmet Tevfik İleri Cad. No:18 - 34768 Ümraniye / Istanbul / Turkey

T: +90 216 633 0 633
F: +90 216 634 1250

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 May 2024
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