Medical Units
- Psychiatry
- Adult Psychiatry
- Child Adolescent Psychiatry
- Autism Center (Çegomer)
- Earthquake Trauma Psychology
- Psychology
- AMATEM Addiction Center
- Neurology
- Radiology
- General Surgery
- Brain Surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
- Infectious Diseases
- Cardiology
- Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Child Neurology
- Nutrition and Diet
- Smoking Cessation Polyclinic
- Speech and Language Disorders Polyclinic
- Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Clinic
- Ear Nose Throat
- Neurorehabilitation Center
- CHECK-UP Center
- Pain Center (Algology)
- Laboratories
- Biochemistry Laboratory
- Clinical Pharmacogenetics Laboratory
- Brain Imaging (Neuroscience) Laboratory
- Neuropsychology Laboratory
- Sleep Laboratory
- Transfusion Center
- Services
- Turquoise Inpatient Service
- Orange Inpatient Service
- Pink Inpatient Service
- Blue Inpatient Service (NPAMATEM)
- Open Inpatient Service
- Surgical Inpatient Service
- Emergency Response Unit
- Operating Rooms
- Intensive Care Service
- Inpatient Child Psychiatric Service
- Spine Center