Harm of Smoking

Harm of Smoking

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Sigaranın zararları, anne karnındaki fetüsün maruz kalmasıyla başlar ve birey sigara içmeye devam ettikçe sürer. Sigara içmek, kalp ve akciğer hastalıkları başta olmak üzere birçok hastalığa ve ölüme yol açar. Diğer tüm organları da etkileyen sigara, solunum yolu hastalıklarına (zatürre, bronşit, astım), KOAH, akciğer kanseri, kalp-damar hastalıklarına, çeşitli kanser türlerine (deri, dudak, gırtlak), sindirim sistemi sorunlarına ve diş-dişeti hastalıklarına neden olur. Ayrıca, ciltte solgunluk ve kırışıklığa, tırnaklarda sararma ve zayıflamaya, koku alma duyusunda azalmaya, erken menopoz ve kısırlığa yol açabilir. Bellek sorunlarına, hatta körlüğe kadar ilerleyebilen göz hastalıklarına sebep olabilir. Pasif içicilik de sigara dumanına maruz kalmayan kişilerde büyük zarara yol açabilir. Sigaranın zararlarından korunmak için çocuk ve yetişkinlerde farkındalık yaratmak büyük önem taşımaktadır.

The harms of smoking start with the exposure of the child to cigarettes in the womb and continue as the child smokes.

The harms of smoking are very high and cause many diseases with the damages it causes to the human body. Smoking even causes deaths. The most common diseases caused by smoking are heart and lung diseases. It is known that all organs other than the heart and lungs are harmed.

Smoking is very common in the world. It is seen that even very young individuals smoke. In order to minimize the use of cigarettes, awareness of children and adults is raised. In this way, the harm of smoking is also protected.

Smoking threatens the health of not only individuals who consume but also individuals who do not consume. Being in smoking areas and being exposed to cigarette smoke can cause great harm to non-smokers. This is called passive smoking.

What are the harms of smoking?

- The harms of smoking start in the womb. Exposure of the baby to cigarettes when the mother smokes can cause mental retardation in the baby.

- Causes respiratory system diseases (such as pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma)

- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is caused by smoking.

- Smoking is the cause of lung cancer, which is the most common type of cancer.

- Causes cardiovascular diseases.

- Vascular blockage takes the biggest place among the damages caused by smoking.

- It causes many cancer diseases such as skin cancer, lip cancer, larynx cancer.

- It can cause digestive system diseases.

- It causes yellowing of teeth, gum diseases, tooth decay, tooth loss and bad breath.

- It causes a lifeless, pale and rough skin appearance.
- Causes weakness and yellowing of the nails.

- It causes bad odor, so it may not be welcomed by the immediate environment.

- Because it reduces appetite, smokers have a low body weight.
- If a blood vessel blockage is not detected and treated early, limbs may have to be amputated.

- It causes the death of brain cells, leading to forgetfulness and, over time, memory problems such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

- The sense of smell is reduced.

- Causes early onset of menopause.

- Causes infertility.

- It can cause eye diseases and even blindness.
These are the harms of smoking.
CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 November 2022
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