Transfusion Center

Transfusion Center

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Transfüzyon Merkezi, anlaşmalı olduğu Kızılay Bölge Kan Merkezinden hastaların ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası kan ve kan ürünü ihtiyaçlarını karşılar ve gerekli uygunluk testleri yapıldıktan sonra hastalara verilmesini sağlar. Kızılay'da istenen kan bulunamaması durumunda, uygun özelliklere sahip gönüllü kan vericilerinden kan alınır. Kan vericileri, öncelikle 'Bilgilendirilmiş Onam Formu' ile bilgilendirilir, ardından kan basıncı, nabız, boy ve kilo ölçümleri yapılır. Uygun görülen vericilerden kan grubu, tam kan sayımı, ELISA testleri (HbsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV), VDRL ve çapraz eşleştirme testleri yapılır. Test sonuçları uygunsa, kan hemen alınır veya ameliyat günü randevu verilir. Merkezde; kan vericisi uygunluk değerlendirmesi, tam kan toplama, Kızılay'dan gelen kan ve kan ürünlerinin uygunluk testleri, kan ve kan ürünlerinin uygun koşullarda depolanması ve kullanımının izlenmesi, son kullanma tarihlerinin kontrolü ve transfüzyon verilerinin izlenmesi ve istatistiklerin tutulması gibi işlemler gerçekleştirilir. Tüm uygulamalar, 'ULUSAL KAN VE KAN BİLEŞENLERİ HAZIRLANMASI, KULLANIM VE KALİTE GÜVENCESİ KILAVUZU-2016'ya uygun olarak yapılır.

Our Transfusion Center provides the preoperative and postoperative blood and blood product needs of our patients from the Red Crescent Regional Blood Center, with which we have an agreement, and ensures that they are given to our patients after the necessary suitability tests are performed.

If the blood requested from the Red Crescent Blood Center cannot be found in the Red Crescent, blood is obtained from volunteer donors (blood donors) who have the appropriate characteristics with the authority given to the Transfusion Center.

Blood donors who come to our Transfusion Center are first welcomed by our department secretary and informed about the procedures to be performed by giving them a 'Blood Donor Informed Consent Form'. Then, the processes are recorded with the 'Blood donor inquiry form' and 'Blood donor registration form'. Blood pressure, pulse, height and body weight measurements are then made. If there is no obstacle for blood donation in this process, blood samples are taken from our donor candidate for the necessary tests.

Tests applied to Blood Donors:

- Blood group (studied by Gel Centrifugation Method)
- Complete blood count (Multi-parameter blood count)
- ELISA tests (with fully automatic analyzer) HbsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV
- Cross-Match (to prove the compatibility of donor blood with the patient who will receive the blood)

If the above-mentioned tests are found to be appropriate, blood is taken from the blood donor immediately or an appointment is made for the necessary patient to have blood taken on the date of surgery.
and asked to come at the appointment time.

Practices performed in our transfusion center:

- Evaluation of the suitability of blood donor candidates
- Whole blood collection into the bag
- Conducting patient eligibility tests with blood and blood products provided by the Red Crescent Blood Center
- Storage of blood and blood products received from the Blood Center and not required for use under appropriate conditions and their use when necessary
- Making expiration controls of blood and blood products
- Monitoring transfusion data and keeping statistics

All practices in our transfusion center are carried out in accordance with the 'NATIONAL BLOOD AND BLOOD COMPONENTS PREPARATION, USAGE AND QUALITY ASSURANCE GUIDE-2016'.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At07 August 2017
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