Child - Adolescent Psychologist

She was born in 1987 in Samsun. In 2009, she graduated from Maltepe University, Department of Psychology and completed Üsküdar University Clinical Psychology master's program in 2018. In 2012, she was entitled to receive the "Certificate of Authorization for Medical Applications of Psychology" (professional qualification) issued by the Ministry of Health.

During her education, she completed her internships at Forensic Case Investigation, Ekol Psychological Counseling Center and NPİstanbul Brain Hospital. After her undergraduate studies, she worked with pre-school and primary school children and parents at a private college and worked as a psychologist at Pendik Şifa Hospital in 2011-2014. In 2014, she worked as a psychologist at Üstün Dökmen Küçük Şeyler Kindergarten. Between 2016-2019, she worked as a Psychologist Coordinator at Üstün Dökmen Academy and provided psychotherapy and expert trainings for children and adolescents at "Psychology World" affiliated to Üstün Dökmen Academy.

She participated in social responsibility projects and worked as a clinical psychologist in the Turkish Bar Association-Hayat Ağacı Project for Combating Addiction. In 2012, she worked as the coordinator of the EU Gruntvig Project "Computer and Internet Addiction" in Poland and as a participant in the EU Youth in Action Project "Play and Decipher (Searching The Pedogogical and Intercultural Potentialities of Games)" in France. He contributed to the publication of SAMBART - Intervention for Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents and SAMBART - Short Intervention Program for Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Primary Health Care Services developed by Prof. Dr. Kültegin Ögel and took part as a panel speaker in the 9th National Alcohol and Substance Addiction Congress.

Having completed the Association of Play Therapy (APT) approved "Child Centered Play Therapy" training and supervisions, she mainly uses play therapy for the emotional and behavioral problems of children between the ages of 2-12. She conducts individual and group therapies for parents with Filial Therapy, a type of therapy that strengthens the parent-child relationship. In addition, she applies the PASS Cognitive Intervention Program to children and young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities or academic difficulties.

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