İnci Nur ÜLKÜ
Expert Clinical Psychologist
She was born in 1993 in Istanbul. In 2017, she graduated from Üsküdar University, Department of Psychology (English). In 2015, she went to Heinrich Heine University in Germany through the erasmus program.
During her undergraduate education, she took part in many social responsibility projects. During her undergraduate education, she worked as an intern psychologist at NP Istanbul Brain Hospital, Sancaktepe Guidance and Research Center, Ferah Nursing Home, Sancaktepe İsem, Istanbul Anatolian 11th Family Court, Eurasia Schizophrenia Association.
After completing her undergraduate education, she completed Üsküdar University Clinical Psychology Master's program in 2019.
She completed her specialization in Clinical Psychology with her thesis titled "Investigation of Psychological Symptoms of Individuals with Eating Addiction in Anatolia Region" with a total of 4600 participants.
She received Cognitive Behavioral Therapy training given by Hakan Türkçapar, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Children and Adolescents training given by Başak Demiriz, Child Centered Play Therapy training given by Reyhana Seedat, Denver II Test training given by Developmental Child Neurology Association, WISC-IV Intelligence Test and Special Learning Disability Battery practitioner training given by Turkish Psychological Association and MMPI Application and Interpretation test training given by Üsküdar University. Rorschach Test and Thematic Perception Test trainings are ongoing.
After completing her undergraduate education, she worked as an expert psychologist at Melek Special Education Center, Dilkonist Language Speech and Psychological Counseling Center and Milenyum Educational Institutions.
In October 2020, she started working as an expert clinical psychologist at NPISTANBUL Hospital.