Born in 1994 in Seyhan district of Adana, she completed primary and high school in Adana. In 2018, he graduated from Mersin Toros University Physiotherapy Department. Then, in 2018, he settled in Istanbul Esenyurt University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation department with DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam) and graduated from this department in 2020. In January 2021, she started the General Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation master's program at Üsküdar University and is currently in her thesis period. She successfully completed her internships at Mersin Fizyomed, Mersin City Hospital, Mardin State Hospital and Istanbul Reyap Hospital. In November 2021, she started working as a Physiotherapist at NP Istanbul Brain Hospital. Although she usually treats patients in the field of neurological rehabilitation, she also has the ability to treat patients in pediatrics and orthopedics.