Diagnosis and Tests
Featured Diagnosis and Tests
Diagnosis and Tests
What are Neuropsychological Tests (NPT)?
What is the COGBAT Test?
What is Sedimentation?
What is the PCT Test?
What is LYM (Lymphocyte)?
Brain Examination Techniques and Brain Checkup
What is Polysomnography (Sleep Test)?
Gastroenterology - Diet Check Up Package
What is a Hemogram Test (Complete Blood Count)?
What is Bilirubin?
What is EGFR (CKD-EPI)?
What is Colonoscopy?
What is Capsule Endoscopy?
Stroke Check Up
What is Beta HCG?
What is CRP?
What is a Leukocyte?
What is aPTT?
What is the HbA1C Test?
What is Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)?
How to Take a Pregnancy Test?
Panic Disorder Severity Scale (11-17 Year Old Child)
Panic Disorder Severity Scale (Adult)
What is Food Intolerance?
What is Scintigraphy?
What is Parathormone?
What is Hemoglobin (HGB)?
What is EEG?
What is MCV?
What is an Erythrocyte (RBC)?
What is Prolactin?
What is Creatinine?
What is Triglyceride?
Gender Dysphoria Scale
What is Platelet (Plt)?
What is Eosinophil?
What is Anti RLS?
Üsküdar XYZ Generational Differences Scale
Wisconsin Card Matching Test (WCST)
Mood Disorders Scale
Gessel (Ages 2-7)
Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI)
Body Image Scale
Louisa Duss (3-10 years)
Young Parenting Scale
Psychological Resilience Scale for Adults
Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire
Eating Attitude Test (YTT-40)
Purpose in Life Test (PIL)
Yale Brown Obsession Compulsion Scale (Y-BOCS)
Life Goals Scale
Hendrick Sexual Attitudes Scale (HSAS)
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale
What are Psychological Tests and Scales?
How to Interpret Test Results?
CPM (5 years 3 months - 11 years 9 months)
Multidimensional Jealousy Scale
Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale
Multidimensional Anger Scale
Multiple Intelligence Inventory
Stages of Readiness for Change Treatment Willingness Scale (Socrates)
Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)
Emotion Expression Scale
Level of Emotion Expression Scale
Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale
Emotional Intelligence Test
Empathy Scale (Baron and Cohen)
Empathic Tendency Scale
Adult Attachment Style Scale
Fagerström Nicotine Dependence Test
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)
COG (8 years and older) Test
Personality Test - Rorschach Test
SPM (6 years 3 months and older) Test
SCL-90-R Test
Intelligence Test - WISC-R (6-16 years)
Projective Test - TAT (11 years and older)
Neuropsychological Assessment Standard Battery
Projective Test - CAT (4-10 years)
Development Test - AGTE (0-6 years)
Moxo Attention Measurement Test
Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMA)
Beier Sentence Completion - Child-Adolescent
WAIS Intelligence Test (Adult)
DAUF (15 years and older)
Childhood Depression Scale
Inventory of Experiences in Close Relationships (YIYE-II)
Porteus Maze Test
Learning Test - CAS (Cognitive Assessment System)
Peabody Receptive Language Test (4-12 years)
Benton Face Recognition Test
Psychological Resilience Scale
Edinburgh Hand Preference Inventory
Young Mania Scale
Conners Parent Rating Scale
Social Problem Solving Inventory
OKHT- School Readiness Test (5-7 years)
South Oaks Gambling Screening Test (SOCSTT)
Gulhane Aphasia Test
Intelligence Test - Stanford-Binet (3-16 years)
Cattel Intelligence Test
Alexander Test
Problem Behavior Checklist (ABC)
PIL - Purpose in Life Test
SCARE (Screening Scale for Anxiety)
Burdon Attention Test (Ages 10-20)
Kent E.G.Y.
Eating Disorders Scale
PBQ-S Personality Belief Questionnaire Short Form
Penn Alcohol Craving Scale
Young Schema Scale
Beier Sentence Completion
Toronto Alexithymia Scale
Benton Visual Memory Test
Bender-Gestalt Test (5-11 years)
Autism Screening Scale
Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC)
What is the Stroop Test?
Beier Sentence Completion - Dad
Beier Sentence Completion - Mom
Patient Social Functioning Form
Insight Assessment Scale
Beier Sentence Completion - Adult
Frostig (4-8 years)
Panic Agoraphobia
Psychometric Test - Good-Enough (3-12 years)
Development Test - Denver (0-6 years)
CBCL Adolescent Personal Assessment Form YSR
Check Up Time for Your Health
What is an internal medicine check-up?
What is an MS check-up?
What is Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Check-Up and Why is it Important?
What is a cardiology check-up?
Before Check-Up
School Readiness and Readiness Tests for Children
Psychiatric Genetic Counseling