PBQ-S Personality Belief Questionnaire Short Form

PBQ-S Personality Belief Questionnaire Short Form

Content Summary

Beck ve Beck tarafından geliştirilen Kişilik İnanç Ölçeği (KİÖ) kısa formu (KİÖ-KF), kişiliğin bilişsel boyutunu değerlendirmek için tasarlanmış, 65 maddeden oluşan öz-değerlendirme ölçeğidir. Orijinal KİÖ'den yüksek ayırt edici özelliğe sahip maddeler seçilerek oluşturulan KİÖ-KF, iki aşamalı bir çalışmada geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik açısından değerlendirilmiştir. İç tutarlılık katsayısı 0.81 ile 0.92 arasında bulunmuştur. Ölçek, DSM-IV'teki dokuz kişilik bozukluğuyla ilişkili inançları değerlendirmek için, her maddede 0 (hiç inanmıyorum) ile 4 (tamamen inanıyorum) arasında puanlama yaparak kişisel inançları ölçer. Hem kişilik bozukluğu tanısı koymada hem de tedavi sürecinde kullanılabilir. Türkçe versiyonu, orijinal ölçek yazarlarından izin alınarak ve uzun formun Türkçe çevirisi çalışmasından yararlanılarak oluşturulmuştur.

It is a self-administered assessment scale developed by Beck and Beck to assess the cognitive dimension of personality, including various dysfunctional beliefs (Beck and Beck 1991). After the PBQ was developed in 1991, it has been used for clinical and research purposes in cognitive therapy centers.

They developed the PBQ-SF (Personality Belief Questionnaire-Short Form) consisting of 65 items by selecting the items with high discriminative features of the original PBQ. The PBQ-short form development study was conducted in two stages; in the first stage, the PBQs of patients with psychiatric disorders who were followed up as outpatients were evaluated. The PBQ short form was created by withdrawing the 7 questions with the highest score from the 14 questions created for each personality disorder.

In the second stage, the PBQ-short form was applied to a new sample group with psychiatric disorders. The internal consistency of the PBQ-short form was found to be between 0.81 and 0.92. Thus, it was concluded that it is a reliable and practical scale for assessing personality (Butler et al. 2007).

Personality Belief Scale - short Turkish form: PBS-SBS:

It consists of statements to determine the basic beliefs about oneself, other people and the world. Each question in the scale form is related to timid, dependent, passive-aggressive, obsessive-compulsive, antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic, schizoid and paranoid attitudes and beliefs corresponding to each personality disorder in DSM. It contains a total of 65 items belonging to nine personality types. After reading the statements in each item, the respondent marks the extent to which they agree with the statement on a scale from zero (I do not believe at all) to four (I completely believe). The scale can be used both in the assessment and treatment of individuals with personality disorders. For the translation and study of the PBQ-SF into Turkish, permission was obtained from the authors of the original scale. The PBQ Turkish short form was created by drawing from the questions in the PBQ Turkish long form, as in the original short form. See the validity study of the long form regarding the Turkish translation process (Türkçapar et al. 2007).

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 August 2020
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