What is EGFR (CKD-EPI)?

What is EGFR (CKD-EPI)?

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EGFR testi, böbrek fonksiyonunu değerlendirmek için kullanılan hızlı bir tanı testidir. Ancak, 18 yaşın altındaki çocuklar, hamile kadınlar, yüksek kas kütlesine sahip kişiler veya obezlerde EGFR değeri farklılık gösterebileceğinden tek başına kullanılması uygun değildir. EGFR değeri yaş, cinsiyet ve diğer faktörlere göre değişir; yaş ilerledikçe düşer. 60'ın üzerinde bir EGFR değeri %60 böbrek fonksiyonuna işaret eder; yüksek değerler daha iyi böbrek fonksiyonunu gösterir. EGFR'nin 3 ay boyunca 60'ın altında olması ve böbrek hasarında 60'ın üzerinde olması, ancak albümin seviyesinin düşmesi kronik böbrek hastalığını gösterebilir. Düşük EGFR, böbrek hasarı gibi faktörlerden kaynaklanabilir ve halsizlik, kaşıntı, bulantı, kusma, yüksek tansiyon, vücutta su tutulması, kuru cilt, konsantrasyon zorluğu, idrar miktarında artış ve azalma, anemi ve erken yorgunluk ve çarpıntı gibi belirtilerle kendini gösterebilir. Yüksek EGFR ise idrar yolu tıkanıklığı veya nefronların iltihaplanması gibi durumlarla ilişkili olabilir. Anormal EGFR değerleri, tanı için daha fazla araştırma yapılmasını gerektirir ve doktor tarafından değerlendirilmelidir.

EGFR (CKD-EPI) is short for estimated glomerular filtration rate, or the amount of blood the glomeruli filter per minute. EGFR is the test used to measure kidney function or to determine the stage of existing kidney disease. It is also used to monitor kidney disease and to determine the effectiveness of current treatment.

When the EGFR value is below 60 for three months and above 60 in kidney damage, but the albumin level deteriorates, chronic kidney disease may be present.

How is the EGFR Test Performed?

The EGFR test is called a rapid diagnostic test to investigate the function of the kidneys. However, it is not suitable to use this test alone, as the EGFR value may be different in minors under the age of 18, pregnant women, people with high muscle content or obesity patients.

It is a simple blood test and can be done with a certain amount of blood taken from veins in the arm. It gives the specialist important information about kidney function. An abnormal EGFR test result is evaluated by the physician. If chronic kidney disease is suspected, further investigation and different diagnostic tests may be performed for diagnosis.

What is EGFR Normal Value?

EGFR values vary according to age, gender and other factors. With advancing age, there is a decrease in muscle mass in the body, which naturally leads to a decrease in the ratio. The average EGFR for a person in their 20s is about 116 mL/min/1.73m2. For people in their 60s, it drops to 85 mL/min/1.73m2. An EGFR higher than 60 means having 60 percent kidney function. In general, the higher the number, the better the kidney function.

Causes of EGFR Elevation

As a result of blockage of the urinary tract, the kidneys cannot hold urine and swell, so the kidneys cannot fully function and cannot excrete waste. In such cases, high creatinine levels can occur. The kidneys have many structures called nephrons that filter the blood. When they become inflamed, they start to damage the kidneys and cause kidney failure. This is also one of the causes of high EGFR.

If EGFR is elevated in the follow-up of nephropathy, a common complication in patients with diabetes, it can be concluded that the kidneys are damaged. In such cases, there is usually an increase in creatinine values. In some cases, an elevated GFR may be considered normal due to reasons such as pregnancy, growth and development. Therefore, when an abnormal GFR value is seen in the test results, regardless of whether it is high or low, the result should be shown to the physician and the physician's opinion should be acted upon.

Causes of EGFR Low

Kidney damage is an important factor among thecauses of low EGFR. The most important reason for the decrease in this value is kidney damage. There are some indicators that show this. These are; weakness, itching, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, water retention in the body, dry skin, difficulty concentrating, increase and decrease in the amount of urine, anemia and all symptoms such as early fatigue and palpitations may indicate damage to the kidneys. These conditions are among the causes of low EGFR.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 August 2023
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