Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

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Content Summary

Minnesota Çok Boyutlu Kişilik Envanteri (MMPI), dünyada en yaygın kullanılan yetişkin psikopatoloji ve kişilik testidir. MMPI, ruh sağlığı uzmanları ve psikologlar tarafından farklı tanı koymada, tedavi planı oluşturmada veya personel seçiminde doğru kişiyi seçmede kullanılır. Adli psikologlar ayrıca, yasal prosedür çerçevesinde suç işlemiş veya suç işlemekten şüphelenilen kişilere MMPI uygular. Nesnel ve bilimsel kriterler kullanarak başvuran kişinin kişilik özelliklerini ortaya çıkarabilen bir özelliğe sahiptir. Kağıt kalem testidir. Bireysel ve grup olarak uygulanabilir. En az ortaöğretim görmüş 16 yaş ve üzeri bireylere uygulanır. Süre sınırı yoktur. 1,5-2 saat içinde uygulanabilir. Envanterde, sağlık, psikosomatik semptomlar, motor bozukluklar, cinsel, dini, politik ve sosyal tutumlar, eğitimsel, ailevi ve evlilik sorunları ile çeşitli nörotik ve psikotik eğilimleri ölçmeyi amaçlayan 566 maddelik 10 klinik ve 3 geçerlilik alt testi bulunur. "Doğru" veya "yanlış" olarak kendi kendine bildirilir. Test, 10 kişilik ve 3 geçerlilik alt testinden oluşur ve bireyin kişisel ve sosyal uyumunu nesnel olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçlar. Klinik kullanım amacıyla ilk 9 test, psikiyatrik gruplara göre bölünmüştür (Hipokondriyazis, Depresyon, Histeri, Psikazteni, Maskülenite-Feminilite, Paranoya, Şizofreni, Hipomani, Sosyal İçedönüklük) ancak her alt test ayrı bir etiyolojik veya prognostik özelliği ölçmesi beklenmemektedir. Geçerlilik alt testleri (L, F, K) ise test alma tutumlarını değerlendirmeyi ve elde edilen klinik puanların geçerlilik derecesi hakkında bilgi sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is the most widely used adult psychopathology and personality test in the world. Various mental health professionals and psychologists use the MMPI inventory to make a differential diagnosis, formulate a treatment plan or select the right person for the job in personnel selection. Forensic psychologists also administer the MMPI to individuals who are involved in crime or suspected of being involved in crime within the framework of legal procedure. It has a feature that can reveal the personality characteristics of the applied individual using objective and scientific criteria. It is a paper and pencil test. It can be applied individually and as a group. It is applied to individuals over 16 years of age with at least secondary education. There is no time limit. It can be administered in 1.5-2 hours. The inventory has 10 clinical and 3 validity subtests with 566 items that aim to measure health, psychosomatic symptoms, motor disorders, sexual, religious, political and social attitudes, educational, familial and marital problems, and various neurotic and psychotic tendencies. It is self-reported as "true" or "false".

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MPI) consists of 550 items (16 items are repeated in the book form, thus 566 items.It is a test that aims to objectively assess an individual's personal and social adjustment. It is one of the most frequently used and most researched personality inventories in the United States. It has also been standardized for many European, Asian and South American countries (Butcher Pancheri, 1976). The test has 10 personality and 3 validity subtests.

Since the main purpose was to use the test in clinics, the first 9 tests were divided according to psychiatric groups. These subtests are 1. Hs (Hypochondriasis) 2. D (Depression) 3. Hy (Hysteria) 4. Pd (Psychasthenia) 5. Mf (Masculinity-Femininity) 6. Sc (Schizophrenia) 9. Ma (Hypomania). The later developed Social Introversion (Si) subtest was also added to the standardized test profile. However, each subtest is not expected to measure a separate etiologic or prognostic feature. For example, an individual with a certain elevation on the schizophrenia subtest is not diagnosed with schizophrenia. To avoid such misunderstandings, the subtests are now referred to by numbers or abbreviated names. In addition to the clinical subtests, there are three validity subtests called L, F, K. These aim to assess test-taking attitudes and provide information on the degree of validity of the clinical scores obtained.

  • Hypochondriasis (hypochondriasis): 33 questions
  • Depression 60 questions
  • Hysteria-conversion 60
  • Psychopathic deviation (personality disorder): 50
  • Femininity-masculinity (sexual deviation): 50
  • Paranoia (extreme suspiciousness): 40
  • Psychasthenia (obsessive-compulsive thought disorder):48
  • Schizophrenia 78
  • Hypomania (manic disorder - extreme emotional outbursts): 46
  • Social introversion (shyness-social phobia): 70

In addition to these, the distribution of questions in the reliability subtests of the MMPI is as follows:

  • Lie scale:15
  • Overly defensive personality (correction):30
  • Frequency or rarity (frequency of giving answers different from normal): 64

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 July 2021
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