There is a manual for the classification of psychological disorders called DSM-4-TR. This manual is the main tool used by mental health professionals to make a diagnosis. The SCID-II is a semi-structured interview used to assess chronic adjustment disorders (personality disorders) in the axis 2 category of this manual. After this interview, it is determined whether the individual has any chronic problems in establishing relationships at the disorder level. In addition, personality characteristics at subthreshold level are also determined.
The SCID-II interview and assessment should be conducted by a psychologist or psychiatrist who has been trained and practiced this interview sufficiently.
SCID-II is an interview instrument structured by Spitzer and Williams (1985). Translation studies were conducted by Sorias et al. (Sorias, 1990) at the E.Ü.T.F. Psychiatry Clinic.

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The DSM-4-TR manual uses the SCID-II, a semi-structured interview, to diagnose Axis II personality disorders. Administered by trained psychologists or psychiatrists, the SCID-II assesses both diagnosable chronic relationship difficulties and subthreshold personality characteristics. The interview was originally structured by Spitzer and Williams (1985) and translated by Sorias et al. (1990) at the E.Ü.T.F. Psychiatry Clinic.