Burdon Attention Test (Ages 10-20)

Burdon Attention Test (Ages 10-20)

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Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB), çocukluk döneminin en yaygın bozukluklarından biridir ve akademik, sosyal ve psikiyatrik sorunlara yol açabilir. DEHB'nin en belirgin özelliklerinden biri kalıcı ve sürekli olan kısa dikkat süresidir. Burdon Dikkat Testi, 10-20 yaş arası bireylerin dikkat süresini ölçmek için kullanılan bir testtir. Testte, karışık bir şekilde düzenlenmiş harfler içeren bir sayfada belirli harfleri altını çizmeleri istenir. Çocukların yaptığı hata oranı, kağıt üzerinde çizilen toplam çizgilere bakılarak değerlendirilir. Ortaöğretim öğrencilerine 3 dakika, lise öğrencilerine ise 2 dakika süre verilir. Her sayfada 20 satır ve 407 harf bulunur; her bir harften belli sayıda (örneğin, 150 "a", 75 "g", 50 "b" ve 25 "d") bulunur. Testin amacı, DEHB şüphesi olan bireyleri belirlemektir.

Attention is the center of mental regulators that control and monitor learning and behavior. One of the most prominent features of ADHD is short attention span, which is permanent and persistent. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), one of the most common disorders of childhood, can lead to academic, social and psychiatric problems, affecting the family and the environment as well as the child. The Burdon Attention Test is a test administered to people between the ages of 10 and 20 to measure a child's attention span. It can be administered to a group or individually to identify individuals suspected of having Attention Deficit. The child is given letters arranged in mixed order on a page. The client is asked to underline certain letters given in the instructions with a pencil. The error rate made by the client is evaluated by looking at the overall lines drawn on the paper and interpretation is made.

During the administration of the test, children in secondary education are given 3 minutes and children in high school are given 2 minutes.

Children are given letters arranged randomly on a sheet of paper. These letters are arranged at certain and regular intervals. There are 407 letters in each line. There are 20 lines on each page. The number of each letter on this sheet is known. The sheet prepared for the experiment has 150 letters (a), 75 letters (g), 50 letters (b) and 25 letters (d).

A total of 5 minutes is given for each section and the individuals are told: "You will underline all the letters a, b, d and g on the page in front of you with a pencil. When reviewing a line, you will not mark only one letter first. You will underline all the letters a, b, d and g in the line".

During the test, children are given randomly arranged letters on a sheet of paper. These letters are arranged at certain and regular intervals. There are (20) lines on each page. The number of each letter on the page is known. For example, the test on the back page contains 150 letters (a) . 75 ( g ) . 50 letters (b) and 25 letters (d). The time given in the application varies according to age.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 August 2020
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