What is an Erythrocyte (RBC)?

What is an Erythrocyte (RBC)?

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Kırmızı kan hücreleri (KKH), karbondioksiti bağlayıp akciğerlere taşır ve solunumla karbondioksit vücuttan atılır. KKH sayısı kadın, erkek, çocuk ve bireyler arasında farklılık gösterir, ancak belirli bir referans aralığında bulunur. Sağlıklı erkeklerde KKH değeri 4,6-6,2 milyon hücre, kadınlarda 4,1-5,3 milyon hücre, 1-18 yaş arası çocuklarda 3,9-5,4 milyon hücre, 6-12 aylık bebeklerde 3,9-5,4 milyon hücre, 2-6 aylık bebeklerde 3,4-5,1 milyon hücre, 2-8 haftalık bebeklerde 3,4-5,4 milyon hücre ve yeni doğanlarda 3,9-5,9 ve 4,7-7,2 milyon hücre arasında değişir. Gebelik, kanser veya diğer hastalıklar ve ilaç kullanımı bu değerleri etkileyebilir. Yüksek KKH (eritrositoz) kalp, akciğer (KOAH), böbrek, karaciğer hastalıkları, uyku apnesi, sigara kullanımı, yüksek irtifada yaşam, dehidratasyon, diüretik ilaçlar, steroid veya protein enjeksiyonları gibi çeşitli nedenlerden kaynaklanabilir. Düşük KKH ise anemiyi gösterir ve yetersiz beslenme, kemik iliği yetmezliği, gebelik, karaciğer ve böbrek hastalıkları, tiroid bozuklukları, epileptik nöbetler, iç veya dış kanama, sindirim sistemi hastalıkları gibi birçok nedenden kaynaklanabilir. İdrarda KKH (hematüri) genellikle idrar yolu iltihabı, idrar kesesi veya böbrek enfeksiyonu, böbrek taşı, böbrek kanseri, prostat kanseri, idrar yolu tümörleri, bazı ağrı kesiciler, kanser ilaçları, aşırı egzersiz veya kan pıhtılaşması ile ilişkilidir. Dışkıda KKH ise parazitik veya bakteriyel hastalıklar ve bazı bağırsak ve mide hastalıklarını gösterebilir. Herhangi bir anormallik durumunda tıbbi müdahale gereklidir.

The erythrocyte, which is found in the blood and constitutes the blood cell group, contains the hemoglobin substance that is involved in the body's oxygen transportation. It can transmit the oxygen taken into the lungs with respiration to all tissues in the body. Adequate oxygen supply to each cell of the body depends on its value and function in the blood. They are also called red blood cells because of their reddish color. It gets its color from the iron in hemoglobin.

Erythrocytes bind carbon dioxide and deliver it to the lungs, and then, with respiration, carbon dioxide is sent out of the body. This all takes place during breathing. The number of RBCs in the blood of women, men, children and each individual is at different levels but within a certain reference range. When you go to the doctor with a complaint, the routine procedure is a blood test. What is looked at in blood counts is the RBC level.

What should the erythrocyte (RBC) value be?

The test to count the RBC value is usually performed as part of a test known as a hemogram (complete blood count). Depending on age, gender, health status and pregnancy status, the amount that should be in the blood of the individual may vary. The RBC test can be easily performed with the samples taken.
RBC values that should be in healthy people; 4.6-6.2 million cells in men, (4.1-5.3) in women, (3.9-5.4) in children between 1-18, (3.9-5.4) in infants between 6-12 months, (3.4-5.1) in infants between 2-6 months, (3.4-5.4) in infants between 2-8 weeks, (3.9-5.9) and (4.7-7.2) million in newborns. These values may be different in pregnancy, cancer diseases or other diseases that can affect cells and in the use of medication. These values should be examined and evaluated by a doctor.

Causes of Elevated Erythrocyte (RBC)

A high level of RBCs as a result of the test indicates an increased level in the body. This condition is called erythrocytosis. It causes the blood to be too dense, resulting in a risk of clotting. It is a type of erythrocytosis that occurs when the blood value is higher than normal as a result of the effect of external factors. Medication or certain diseases can cause erythrocytosis.
The reasons for the increase are as follows:

  • Heart diseases
  • Lung diseases (COPD)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Kidney diseases
  • Liver diseases
  • Cigarette
  • Living at high altitude
  • Dehydration (fluid loss)
  • Diuretic drugs
  • Steroids or protein injections

Also, blood cancers can cause abnormal increases in blood cells. Different cancer groups can also affect the RBC value very much. In case of abnormally high values, examinations for cancer diseases should be applied.

Causes of Low RBC

A low RBC value indicates anemia (anemia). This may be due to a problem in the production of red blood cells or a deficiency of these cells for different reasons. One of the factors leading to low levels is an unhealthy and irregular diet. Anemia occurs when a person does not get enough vitamins and nutrients. These values can be learned with a blood test. If anemia is caused by nutrient or vitamin deficiency, it can be treated with supplements.
In some cases, the cause of low RBC may be bone marrow failure. Many conditions such as pregnancy, liver diseases, kidney diseases, thyroid disorders, epileptic seizures, internal or external bleeding, digestive system diseases can cause low RBC. Patients with low RBC values in blood test results can consult a doctor to get information about the situation and protect their health by having examinations and tests done.

RBC (Erythrocyte) in urine

Having erythrocytes in the urine means that blood is mixed into the urine. Its medical name is hematuria. It is not life-threatening to be seen in urine. Rarely, it can be indicated as a result of some important diseases. Blood in the urine is so little that it can only be seen when viewed with a microscope. When this occurs, it is important to examine the cause, which may be due to a number of important problems. A healthy person should have a urine value between 0-3. However, if it is seen above this value, the causes should be examined and investigated.
Among the reasons for its appearance in urine; urinary tract inflammation, infection in the urinary bladder or kidneys, kidney stones, kidneyBrek cancer, prostate cancer, tumors in the urinary tract, certain painkillers, cancer drugs, too much exercise, blood clotting.

RBC (Erythrocytes) in stool

It is unusual to see blood in the stool. The presence of erythrocytes in the stool suggests a parasitic or bacterial disease. It can also be seen in some intestinal and stomach diseases. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The doctor may request a stool culture test as a result of the person's complaints and if necessary. Colonoscopy and endoscopy tests may also be required.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 September 2022
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