Intelligence Test - Stanford-Binet (3-16 years)

Intelligence Test - Stanford-Binet (3-16 years)

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Stanford-Binet Zeka Testi, Alfred Binet ve Theodore Simon tarafından 2 yaşından itibaren üstün zeka yeteneğinden zihinsel geriliğe kadar zihinsel seviyeyi belirlemek için geliştirilmiş, bireysel olarak uygulanan bir zeka testidir. Sözel Yargı, Görsel-Soyut Yargı, Nicel Yargı ve Kısa Süreli Hafıza olmak üzere dört grupta ölçüm yapar. Ortalama 60 dakika süren test, uzman bir uygulayıcı tarafından verilen talimatlara göre tamamlanır, ancak bireyin çalışma hızına bağlı olarak süre değişebilir. Test sonucunda, sorulan soruların doğruluk seviyesiyle eşleşen Zeka Yaşı ve zekayı sayısal olarak ifade eden Zeka Katsayısı (IQ) elde edilir. 1985 yılında son revizyonu yapılan test, 2-16 yaş aralığındaki çocuklar için 30 alt testten oluşur ve hem üstün yetenekli çocukları hem de entelektüel engelli bireyleri belirlemede kullanılır. Test, sözel muhakeme, kelime bilgisi, kavrama, anlamsızlık, sözel ilişkiler, soyut/görsel muhakeme, desen analizi, kopyalama, matrisler, kağıt kesme ve katlama, nicel muhakeme, nicelikler, sayı dizileri ve çeşitli hafıza alt testleri gibi bileşenlerden oluşarak genel bir zeka değeri ortaya koyar.

The Stanford Binet Intelligence Test is an individually administered intelligence test developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon to determine the mental level as of the age of 2, from superior mental ability to mental retardation. In terms of the mental clusters it measures, Stanford Binet is categorized into 4 groups: Verbal Judgment, Visual-Abstract Judgment, Quantitative Judgment and Short-Term Memory. The test is completed by following a set of instructions given to the child participating in the test by an expert test practitioner. Although the application time of the test varies according to the working speed of the individual, it is around 60 minutes on average. However, the performance of the child may cause the test duration to vary. At the end of the test application, the individual's Intelligence Age and Intelligence Quotient are obtained by scoring. Age of Intelligence is the age group that coincides with the level of accuracy of the questions answered. Intelligence Quotient is the numerical data used to express intelligence mathematically. In other words, if a child with a chronological age of 4 years performs at the level expected from a child aged 4 years and 6 months, the intelligence age of this child is calculated as 4 years and 6 months. In a second process, the mental performance achieved is translated into numbers and the child's intelligence quotient is obtained.
The last revision of the Stanford Binet test was made in 1985.

The Stanford Binet Intelligence Test is an intelligence test used to identify both gifted children and individuals with intellectual disabilities. The age range of the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test is 2-16 years. It can be applied to the youngest children who have turned 2 years old and the oldest children who have not completed the age of 16. A total of 30 subtests are applied in various age ranges.
It is an individual intelligence test applied to determine the mental performance of individuals. As a result of the application, the age of intelligence and intelligence quotient of the individual are obtained. It is not a time-based test. After the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test, a general intelligence value of the child emerges. There are many components that reveal this intelligence value. These components are sub-tests within the test itself. These are: Verbal reasoning, vocabulary, comprehension, nonsense, verbal relations, abstract/visual reasoning, pattern analysis, copying, matrices, paper cutting and folding, quantitative reasoning, quantities, number sequences, short-term memory, bead memory, sentence memory, number memory, object memory.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 December 2020
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