Kent E.G.Y.

Kent E.G.Y.

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Porteus Labirent Testi, farklı zorluk seviyelerindeki labirentlerde başlangıçtan çıkış noktasına çizgi çizerek planlama ve yeni durumlara adaptasyon becerilerini ölçen performansa dayalı bir testtir. Güvenirlik ve geçerlilik çalışmaları mevcuttur ve Türkçeye uyarlanmıştır. Kent EGY zeka testi ise, 6-14 yaş arası çocuklar ve zihinsel engelli şüphesi olan yetişkinler için uygun, sözel zeka becerilerini değerlendiren, zaman sınırlaması olmayan, bireysel olarak uygulanan, 10 basit sorudan oluşan bir kağıt-kalem testtir. Her iki test de sözel yetenekleri farklı şekillerde ölçer; Porteus testi performans, Kent EGY ise bilgi ve dil kullanımına odaklanır.

Kent EGY and Porteus Mazes The Porteus Mazes Test was developed to measure planning and adaptation skills to new situations and is performance-based. The person has to draw a line from the start to the exit point in mazes of different difficulties within certain rules. According to Riddle and Roberts (1977), the test is relatively valid in terms of foresight, planning, impulsivity and judgment and reliable in terms of inter-rater reliability (Porteus, 1955; Riddle & Roberts, 1977). Porteus Labyrinths Test was adapted into Turkish by Beğlan Toğrol (Toğrol, 1974). The Kent EGY test is applied to assess the verbal intelligence skills of individuals based on knowledge and language, has no time limit and is administered individually in a single session.

Kent egy intelligence test (Kent egy intelligence test) was developed by Kent, Grace H. in 1941. It is a paper and pencil test based on verbal performance. It can be applied to patients and normal people who do not have speech, hearing and verbal expression problems. There are no time and duration limitations. It is suitable for children aged 6-14 years and adults with suspected mental retardation. Consisting of 10 simple questions, this intelligence test is very simple to administer and evaluate. For ages 14 and above, the following tables are used to calculate IQ. For those under 14 years of age, the IQ must be calculated separately according to the calendar age.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 August 2020
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