Beier Sentence Completion - Child-Adolescent

Beier Sentence Completion - Child-Adolescent

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Beier Cümle Tamamlama Testi, bireylerin ve grupların tutum ve duygularını incelemek için kullanılan yansıtma tekniklerinden biridir. Okul ve iş yerlerindeki sorunları tespit etmek için klinik ve psikolojik çalışmalar yapan uzman psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar ve uzman pedagoglar tarafından kullanılır. Test, belirsiz bir uyarana karşı bireyin ilgi, duygu, tutum, istek ve üzüntülerini yansıttığı varsayımına dayanır. Tamamlanması gereken cümleler yoluyla bireyin içsel ve genel durumunu ortaya koyar. 8-16 yaş arası çocuklar için 56 eksik cümle içeren A formu ve 17 yaş ve üzeri için 67 eksik cümle içeren B formu olmak üzere iki versiyonu vardır. Uygulaması özel uzmanlık gerektirir ve hem bireysel hem de grup halinde uygulanabilir.

This test, which is one of the reflection techniques, has a wide range of uses.

It is used in the examination of the attitudes and emotions of individuals and groups, as well as by expert psychologists, psychological counselors and expert pedagogues in clinical and psychological studies. With this test, problems frequently encountered in environments such as schools and workplaces are detected.

The basic assumption on which the Beier Sentence Completion Test is based is similar to that of other reflection techniques. Through this test, the individual reflects his/her interests, feelings, attitudes, wishes, sorrows and other important wishes of his/her personality in the face of a somewhat ambiguous stimulus. When completing incomplete sentences, he/she reacts in a way that reflects his/her internal state as well as his/her general state. There are A and B forms of the test. Form A is administered to children between the ages of 8 and 16. Form B is a test specific to older ages.

There are 56 incomplete sentences in Form A and 67 in Form B. Its application requires special expertise. It can be applied to an individual or a group. Form A is given to students and they are asked to complete the missing sentences by reading the explanation.

Form B is given to clients aged 17 and above and they are asked to complete the missing sentences by reading the explanation.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 January 2021
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