Peabody Receptive Language Test (4-12 years)

Peabody Receptive Language Test (4-12 years)

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Peabody Resim Sözcük Dağarcığı Testi (PRKT), 2-12 yaş arası çocukların alıcı dil becerilerini, kelime dağarcığını ve kavram gelişimini resimlerle belirlemek için kullanılan bir performans testidir. 8 yaş altı çocuklar için 100 maddelik A formu ve 8 yaş üstü çocuklar için 150 maddelik B formu olmak üzere iki farklı formdan oluşur. Çocuğa karttaki dört resimden biri söylenir ve uygun resmi göstermesi istenir. Doğru resimler puanlanır. Çocuğun alıcı dil yaşı kronolojik yaşına göre belirlenir. Test sonuçlarına göre dil gelişimiyle ilgili önlemler alınır veya dil gelişimi çeşitli önerilen yöntemlerle zenginleştirilir. PRKT, dil gelişimindeki gecikmeleri belirlemede, çeşitli bilişsel düzeydeki çocukların formal eğitime uygunluğunu değerlendirmede ve engelli bireylere uygulanabilirliğiyle tercih edilen bir testtir. 1959'da geliştirilen ve 1997'de güncellenen test, hedef kelimeyi gösteren bir resim ve üç yanıltıcı resim içerir.

It is a performance test used to determine children's receptive language skills, vocabulary and word (concept) development with pictures. It is administered to children between the ages of 2-12. The test consists of two different forms, under 8 years of age (Form A-100 items) and over 8 years of age (Form B-150 items). The child is told one of the four pictures on the card and asked to show the appropriate picture. The correct pictures are scored. The child's receptive language age is determined according to his/her chronological age. According to the results of the test, measures are taken regarding language development or language development is enriched in various recommended ways.

In order to determine language development in childhood, the child's receptive language skills are the most commonly considered form of assessment (Dunn & Dunn, 1997). A delay in vocabulary knowledge can often be seen as a delay in the early stages of language development or as an indicator of cognitive retardation. This retardation may be cultural (Spencer, 1982), a reflection of a physiological problem (Iwasaki, Nishio, Moteki, Takumi, Fukushima, Kasai, & Usami, 2012) or related to the socio-economic level of the family (Huaquing Qi, Kaiser, Milan, & Hancock, 2006). The Pea-body Picture vocabulary test (PRKT) is also very useful in developmental and educational situations such as the suitability of children with different cognitive levels for formal education (Koçyiğit & Kayılı, 2014). Pea-body Picture Vocabulary Test is a test that can be applied to individuals with disabilities, as well as enabling the development of children with normal development to be monitored and is a preferred test for field use because it is very easy to apply. The most widely used Pea-body Picture vocabulary Test, which was developed based on the person pointing to the picture of the desired target word, consists of two different parts. 1- Stimulus target word 2- Test section with four pictures on it. The stimulus (target) word is explained with one of the four different pictures on the same page and indicates the target word. The PRKT, which was first developed by Dunn and Dunn in 1959, was revised in 1981 and updated in 1997 with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III (PRKT-III) (R). For each target word, misleading pictures were used on the same page with the picture used.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 January 2021
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