WAIS Intelligence Test (Adult)

WAIS Intelligence Test (Adult)

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WAIS-III testi, 16 yaş ve üzeri bireylerin zihinsel yeteneklerini ölçen, sözel ve performans olmak üzere iki ana bölümden oluşan bir zekâ testidir. Sözel bölüm, sözel muhakeme, sözel ifade, kelime bilgisi, işitsel dikkat ve uzun süreli hafıza gibi sözel becerileri ölçen alt testlerden oluşurken, performans bölümü görsel dikkat, görsel-algısal organizasyon, üç boyutlu algı, psikomotor beceriler ve çalışma belleği gibi performans tabanlı alt testleri içerir. WAIS-III, bireyin sözel ve performans yeteneklerini daha detaylı değerlendirmeye olanak tanıyan alt bölümlere ayrılmıştır ve 4 indeks puanı ile 14 alt boyutu kapsar. Türk normları bulunmayan WAIS-III, Amerikan normlarıyla değerlendirilir, ancak bireyin zihinsel becerileri hakkında detaylı bilgi sağlar ve klinik amaçlar için sıklıkla kullanılır. Uygulama, puanlama ve yorumlamada özel eğitim ve deneyim gerektiren testin uygulanması yaklaşık 1,5-2 saat sürer.

The WAIS test, which measures the mental abilities of individuals aged 16 and above, consists of two main sections: verbal and performance. The verbal section consists of subtests measuring verbal skills such as verbal reasoning, verbal expression, vocabulary, auditory attention and long-term memory, while the performance section consists of subtests measuring verbal skills such as verbal reasoning, verbal expression, vocabulary, auditory attention and long-term memory.The other part consists of more performance-based subtests such as visual attention, visual-perceptual organization, three-dimensional perception, psycho-motor skills and working memory. In the WAIS-III, these two main sections are further subdivided into sub-sections, making it possible to assess the verbal and performance abilities of the individual in more detail. Accordingly, WAIS-III consists of 4 index scores and 14 sub-dimensions under the main verbal and performance sections.

WAIS-III, which does not yet have Turkish norms, is evaluated with American norms, but it provides detailed information about the mental skills of the individual and is frequently used for clinical purposes by experienced clinicians. The WAIS-III provides a detailed road map of the individual's strong mental abilities and mental abilities that need to be developed and is considered a very important assessment tool in making a therapy plan as well as for measurement purposes. The application of the WAIS-III Scale, which requires special training and experience in application, scoring and interpretation, takes approximately 1.5-2 hours, although it varies from person to person.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 January 2021
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