Life Goals Scale

Life Goals Scale

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İlhan (2009) tarafından geliştirilen 47 maddelik Yaşam Hedefleri Ölçeği, Öz-Belirleme Kuramı'na dayanarak üniversite öğrencilerinin uzun vadeli hedeflerini belirlemek için tasarlanmıştır. Ölçek, Kişisel İlişkiler, Topluma Katkı, Fiziksel Sağlık, Kişisel Gelişim, Anlamlı Yaşam, Aileye Katkı, Maddi Başarı, İmaj ve Ün olmak üzere dokuz faktöre ayrılmıştır. Her madde 1'den 7'ye kadar puanlanır (7 en yüksek hedefi gösterir). Araştırmaya göre, içsel hedeflere sahip olmak, yetkinlik, ilişkilenme ve özerklik gibi temel psikolojik ihtiyaçların karşılanmasını ve öznel iyiliği artırırken; dışsal hedeflere sahip olmak, ihtiyaç karşılama ve öznel iyilikte azalmaya yol açmaktadır.

The Life Goals scale was prepared according to the Self-Determination theory (İlhan, 2009). This scale was developed by İlhan (2009) to determine the long-term goals of university students and used in his doctoral dissertation titled "university students' self-adjustment model, life goals, basic psychological needs and subjective well-being". The test consists of 47 items. The options in the test items are named with numbers up to 1,2,3...7. The seventh item indicates the highest level (goal) while the first item indicates the lowest goal. The scale consists of nine factors. These factors are personal relationship, contribution to society, physical health, personal development, meaningful life, contribution to family, fame, image, and financial success.

The sub-factors of the life goals scale and the items they cover are shown below.



Personal Relationship

1, 6, 14, 20, 28, 34

Contribution to society

2,8, 15, 22, 30, 35, 40

Physical health

4, 11, 18, 25

Personal development

10, 16, 23, 31, 37, 47

Contribution to the family

13, 27, 33, 38, 43, 46

Meaningful life

41, 42, 45

External Objectives

Material success

3, 9, 17, 24, 32, 36


5, 7, 12, 19, 26

Becoming famous

21, 29, 39, 44

Having more intrinsic goals contributes to the satisfaction of basic psychological needs such as competence, relatedness and autonomy and subjective well-being; having extrinsic goals leads to a decrease in need satisfaction and subjective well-being.

Reference : İlhan T. University students' self-compatibility model: life goals, basic psychological needs and subjective well-being (Doctoral dissertation). Ankara, Gazi University, 2009.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 July 2021
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