Emotional Intelligence Test

Emotional Intelligence Test

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Yılmaz ve Ergin (1999) tarafından standartlaştırılmış 30 maddelik Duygusal Zeka Değerlendirme Ölçeği, beş alt ölçekten oluşmaktadır: Duyguların Farkındalığı, Duyguları Yönetme, Öz-Motivasyon, Empati ve İlişkileri Kontrol Etme. Ölçeğin İngilizce versiyonu, İngilizce dil ve edebiyat öğrencilerine uygulanmış, daha sonra Türkçeye çevrilmiş ve aynı gruba tekrar uygulanmıştır. Her iki uygulama arasındaki korelasyon, alt ölçekler ve toplam puan için hesaplanmış olup, güvenilirlik katsayıları 0,76 ile 0,92 arasında değişmektedir. Toplam puan 30 ile 180 arasında değişir; 155 ve üzeri yüksek, 130 normal, 129 ve altı ise düşük duygusal zekayı gösterir. Alt ölçekler için de yüksek, normal ve düşük seviyeleri belirten ayrı puan aralıkları tanımlanmıştır.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale The Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale standardized by Yılmaz and Ergin (1999) is a 30-item scale. The researchers obtained five scales that were determined to be suitable for the purpose and had been used in studies abroad. One of these five scales was selected by consulting expert opinions. The scale was first applied without any translation to a group of 55 students who were studying in the last year of English Language and Literature and whose grade point average in the previous years in English language and grammar courses was 75 and above. The scale was then translated into Turkish by a team of linguists and at least "Associate Professor" in the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. The Turkish form, each item of which was discussed separately, was administered to the same group to whom the English original was administered after a period of one month. The scores of 55 students from the English and Turkish forms were compared for each item, for the sub-dimensions of the scale and for the total score given by the scale, and the correlation between the two applications was calculated. The reliability coefficient of the 30 items in the scale in the first and last applications was calculated between .76 and .92. The correlation of the first sub-dimension of the scale between the first and last application was .76, the correlation of the second sub-dimension between the first and last application was .92, the correlation of the third sub-dimension between the first and last application was .91, the correlation of the fourth sub-dimension between the first and last application was .88, and the correlation of the fifth sub-dimension between the first and last application was .86. In terms of the total score of the scale, a correlation coefficient of .84 was calculated between the first and last application. The obtained scale consists of five subscales. These are 1. Awareness of Emotions Items 2. Managing Emotions Items 3. Self-Motivation Items 4. Empathy Items 5. Controlling Relationships Items. The total scores that can be obtained from the scale vary between 30 and 180 points, and a high score indicates a high level of emotional intelligence. According to the total score, 155 and above is calculated as high, 130 as normal and 129 and below as low.

In the Awareness of Emotions Subscale;

Scores of 31 and above are high

Scores between 26-30 are normal

Scores of 25 and below are low

On the Managing Emotions Subscale;

Scores of 32 and above are high

Points between 27-31 are normal

Scores of 26 and below are low level

On the Self-Motivation Subscale;

Scores of 31 and above are high

Scores between 27-30 are normal

Scores of 26 and below are low level

Empathy Subscale;

Scores of 31 and above are high

Scores between 26-30 are normal

Scores of 25 and below are low level

Controlling Relationships Subscale;

Scores of 30 and above are high

Scores between 25-29 are normal

Scores of 24 and below are low level

According to the total score:

Scores of 155 and above indicate a high level of emotional intelligence.

130-154 points is the normal level

129 points and below low emotional intelligence level

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 January 2021
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