Porteus Maze Test

Porteus Maze Test

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Porteus Labirent Testi (PMT), Stanley Porteus tarafından geliştirilen ve Beglan Toğrol tarafından ülkemize uyarlanan, çocuklarda, ergenlerde ve yetişkinlerde entellektüel kapasiteyi değerlendirmek ve tahmin etmek için tasarlanmış sözel olmayan bir performans zeka testidir. Test, artan zorluktaki labirentlerden oluşur ve 15-30 dakika arasında uygulanır. Katılımcılar, kurallara uygun olarak (çizgiyle çizilen yollarda ölü uçlara girmeden ve çizgileri geçmeden) labirentlerin çıkış noktasına ulaşmalıdırlar. Test, psikiyatrik tanıların yanı sıra nörolojik bozuklukların teşhisinde de kullanılır; kafa travması ve beyinle ilgili nörolojik problemleri olan hastalarda tipik test davranışları ve puanları rapor edilir. PMT'nin güvenilirliği çeşitli kontrollü çalışmalarda, test-tekrar test analizlerinde ve Weschler (WISC-R) ve Binet gibi diğer test sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırıldığında doğrulandığı bildirilmiştir. Dil ve kültürel farklılık sorunları olmadan basit materyallerle uygulanabilen ve genel bir IQ puanı olarak zeka seviyesini veren bir testtir.

Porteus Maze The Porteus Maze test (PMT), whose original instructions for administration are in English, is an intelligence test designed to assess and predict intellectual capacity in children, adolescents and adults. It is a nonverbal performance test. It was developed by Stanley Porteus, a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii, and adapted to our country by Beglan Toğrol. The Porteus mazes test consists of mazes of varying difficulty that can be administered between 15-30 minutes. In the test application, it is expected to reach the exit point of the maze by following the rules such as not entering dead ends with the line drawn with a pencil and not crossing the lines.


Individual: The arrow sign in each porteus maze is shown

- Start drawing from here,
- Return to the starting point in a straight line,
- Let's go.

A standardized instruction is given. Pencil and paper with labyrinths are used during the practice. Each porteus maze is called an age maze. The practice starts with the 3-year-old maze and continues until the 14-year-old maze. The interruption and scoring is determined by the mistakes made during the test. Taking the wrong path, crossing the line will result in deducting points from that age maze or not getting any points at all, as well as getting zero points from two age mazes in a row will cause the intelligence test to be interrupted and IQ will be calculated with the scores obtained up to that point. Until the 11th age maze, 2 attempts, i.e. errors, are allowed, and from the 12th age maze onwards, 4 attempts are allowed.


Porteus mazes are used as IQ tests in psychiatric diagnoses as well as in the diagnosis of neurological disorders. Typical test behaviors and scores are reported in patients with head trauma and neurological problems in the brain.


The Porteus test has been reported to be accurate in various controlled studies, in test-retest analyses and in comparison with other test results such as Weshler (WISC-R) and Binet. It is a test that can be administered with simple materials without language and cultural difference problems and gives the intelligence level as a general IQ score.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 January 2021
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