How to Interpret Test Results?

How to Interpret Test Results?

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Güvenilir ve geçerli psikolojik testler, bilişsel ve psikolojik bozukluk belirtileri olan (takıntı, unutkanlık, kararsızlık, yavaş düşünme veya hareket, dikkat dağınıklığı, hafıza sorunları, odaklanamama gibi) bireylerin değerlendirilmesinde kullanılır. Bu testler zeka, aşk, ilişki, depresyon, anksiyete, panik atak, takıntı, dürtüsellik, muhafazakarlık, dini görüşler, IQ, kişilik veya kariyer gibi birçok alanda duyguları, düşünceleri ve davranışları inceler. Test türleri arasında bilişsel testler, nörogelişimsel testler, kişilik testleri, tutum ölçekleri ve yetenek ve ilgi testleri bulunur. Nöropsikolojik testler ise (EEG, MRI, genetik tarama gibi) beyindeki biyolojik sorunları ortaya koyarak, unutkanlık ve dikkat bozukluklarına neden olan hastalıkları teşhis eder. Hem psikolojik hem de nöropsikolojik testler birçok bozukluğun teşhisi ve tedavisinde kullanılır, ancak psikolojik testler davranış, düşünce ve duyguları değerlendirirken, nöropsikolojik testler beyindeki biyolojik sorunları tespit eder. İnternet üzerindeki testler yanıltıcı olabilir; doğru sonuçlar için uzman desteği şarttır. Test sonuçları istenmeyen düzeydeyse, bir uzmana danışılmalıdır.

Psychological tests and scales, which are becoming more and more popular every day, must be reliable and valid. In this way, the results of these tests, which can be seen as scientific tests, should be interpreted by experts.

Let's say that the test results of an individual who has undergone a valid and reliable scientific test are not at the desired level. In this case, a specialist should be consulted as soon as possible and consulted about what can be done about the issue. Otherwise, much bigger problems may be encountered in the future and this may negatively affect the quality of life of the person.

If the test is in the neurological field and the results are mediocre, a neurologist should be consulted immediately. If the results of psychological tests do not provide the desired data, the psychiatric department should be consulted. However, it is generally recommended that the individual receives support from both departments.

Who Should Have a Psychological Test?

People who need psychological and neurological support usually have some behavioral disorders. The main ones are as follows:

  • Obsession,
  • Forgetfulness
  • Indecision
  • Slowness in thinking or movement,
  • Distraction,
  • Memory difficulties,
  • Inability to focus

People with such problems often have both cognitive disorders and psychological disorders. In such cases, a specialist should be consulted and psychological tests should be performed. In this way, the disorder is diagnosed and the treatment process is started as soon as possible.

What is a psychological test?

Psychological tests in many areas such as intelligence, love, romantic relationship, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obsession, impulse, conservatism, religious views, IQ, personality or career are tests that examine the emotions, thoughts and behaviors of individuals. These tests are designed as a result of serious and long-term research. Psychological tests with validity and reliability are used in scientific research and studies. Any test conducted over the internet is likely to be misleading. For this reason, support should always be sought from experts.

What are the Types of Psychological Tests?

Psychological tests, which are frequently mentioned today, are very diverse and usually the measurements are computer-assisted. Such tests should be conducted under expert supervision. Thus, much more reliable results are obtained. Common psychological tests are as follows:

  • Cognitive Tests
  • Neurodevelopmental Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Attitude Scales
  • Aptitude and Interest Tests

With such psychological tests, the individual is measured in every aspect and necessary measures are taken if there is any problem. In addition, these tests, which play a very important role in the diagnosis of an existing disorder, benefit individuals in many ways.

What is Neuropsychological Testing?

Neuropsychological tests are conducted to understand whether there are any problems in the cognitive functions of individuals. Such problems, which occur when there is any biological problem in the brain, cause the emergence of many disorders. These tests, which should be performed regularly especially by individuals over the age of 40, diagnose diseases that cause forgetfulness and attention disorders.

Types of Neuropsychological Tests

Neurological tests, which are actively used for the examination and treatment of patients with neurological disorders, are also known as brain check-up procedures. The neuropsychological tests performed within the scope of these procedures are as follows:

  • Electroencephalography (EEG) System
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Neuropsychological Tests
  • Gene Screening

These tests, which should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist physician, provide detailed information about the condition of the brain and reveal any problems. Thus, the necessary treatment process is started and the problem in the brain is eliminated.

What is the difference between psychological and neuropsychological tests?

Psychological and neuropsychological tests are often confused with each other. However, while psychological tests only provide information about an individual's behavior, thoughts and emotions, neuropsychological tests reveal a biological problem in the brain. For example, children are given intelligence tests in schools. Some people think that these tests are neuropsychological tests. However, for such tests, the brain needs to be examined with computerized devices. For this, specially designed devices such as EEG or MRI are used. These psychological tests for students, on the other hand, are purely education-oriented and are designed to understand students' general tendencies and behavioral styles. Although they are quite different from each other, both psychological and neuropsychological tests are used for the diagnosis and treatment of many disorders. Therefore, these two concepts are very intertwined.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 June 2021
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