The MOXO attention performance test is a test developed for people aged 6 years and over, which helps in the diagnosis of ADHD-ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and measures the attention performance of the person using visual and auditory distractions - distractors - on the computer.It is helpful in making the correct diagnosis and its reliability is 90%. MOXO Attention Test is an online test that measures Attention, Timing, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity performance, administered by experts, without opinions and emotions .
MOXO has been found to be highly effective in measuring performance levels of Attention, Timing, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity; however, the test's rapidly growing popularity is due to the unique Distractor System in MOXO.In order to be able to focus on a seemingly simple MOXO task, the individual has to ignore the visual and auditory distractors present in the test, just as he/she has to do in daily life. In order to accomplish this, the individual has to actively inhibit the distractors, which makes the test much more challenging and the test's defining characteristics much more advanced.
*The MOXO Attention Test is administered by specialized physicians and psychologists.
TheMOXO Child test is specially designed for children between the ages of 6-12 and serves as an auxiliary tool for specialists in ADHD diagnosis and patient observation processes. The MOXO Child Test is a short online test that includes a variety of stimuli and distractors. It is a 15-minute online test with age-appropriate stimuli.
MOXO Teen & Adult test is a tool that covers the age range of 13-65 and helps specialists evaluate the patient's attention profile during ADHD diagnosis and patient observation processes. It is an 18-minute online test with appropriate stimuli and distractors.

Moxo Attention Measurement Test
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MOXO Dikkat Performans Testi, 6 yaş ve üzeri kişiler için geliştirilmiş, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) tanısında yardımcı olan ve görsel ve işitsel dikkat dağıtıcılar kullanarak bilgisayar ortamında kişinin dikkat performansını ölçen bir çevrimiçi testtir. %90 güvenilirliğe sahip olup dikkat, zamanlama, dürtüsellik ve hiperaktivite performansını ölçer. Test, uzmanlar tarafından uygulanır ve kişisel görüşlerden etkilenmez. Benzersiz dikkat dağıtıcı sistemiyle bilinir; gündelik hayatta olduğu gibi, basit görünen görevleri tamamlarken görsel ve işitsel dikkat dağıtıcıları görmezden gelmeyi gerektirir. MOXO Çocuk Testi (6-12 yaş), MOXO Ergen ve Yetişkin Testi (13-65 yaş) ise yaş gruplarına uygun uyarıcılar ve dikkat dağıtıcılar içeren versiyonlardır ve uzmanlar tarafından DEHB tanısı ve gözlem süreçlerinde kullanılır.