Cattel Intelligence Test

Cattel Intelligence Test

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R.B. Cattel tarafından geliştirilen ve Bağlan Torol tarafından Türkçe'ye uyarlanan Cattel Zeka Testi, 6-14 yaş arası bireylere uygulanabilen, performansa dayalı bir zeka ölçüm aracıdır. 25 dakikalık süre sınırlaması olan test, dört alt testten elde edilen puanlarla zeka seviyesini hesaplar. Kültürden bağımsız olan test, 2A, 2B ve 3A olmak üzere üç farklı formda olup, yaş ve eğitim gruplarına göre ayrılır (4-7, 7-14 ve 14 yaş üstü). Bireysel veya grup halinde uygulanabilir ve uygulaması için psikoloji veya psikolojik danışmanlık ve rehberlik bölümü mezunu olmak yeterlidir; ancak yorumlanması için eğitim alınması gereklidir. En önemli özelliği, her toplumda uygulanabilen performansa dayalı ve objektif bir test olmasıdır.

Cattel Intelligence Test, developed by R.B. Cattel, was adapted into Turkish by Bağlan Torol. This test is applied to individuals between the ages of 6 and 14. It is a test that measures intelligence level with performance. From 4 subtests, four separate scores are obtained and the intelligence level of the person is calculated. There is a limited time application, this time is 25 minutes.

Cattel intelligence test is culture-independent and can be applied to all societies. It has three forms: 2A, 2B and 3A. These forms are divided according to age and education groups. Type of Test: Intelligence-Performance test. Age Group to be Applied: It can be applied to individuals aged 4-7 years, 7-14 years and over 14 years. Number of People to be Applied: It can be applied individually and as a group.

The people who can apply this test must be graduates of the psychology or psychological counseling and guidance departments of universities. While applying the test does not require a training process, it is necessary to have received training to interpret it.

The most important feature is that it is a performance-based and objective test that can be applied in every society.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 August 2020
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