Don't stop taking your medication when you feel better with bipolar!

Don't stop taking your medication when you feel better with bipolar!

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Bipolar bozukluk (manik depresif bozukluk olarak da bilinir) tedavisinde sürekliliğin önemine vurgu yapılıyor. Uzmanlar, hastaların kendilerini iyi hissettiklerinde ilaçlarını bırakmalarının sakıncalı olduğunu belirterek ilaç kullanımının kesintiye uğramaması gerektiğini vurguluyorlar. Genetik faktörler başta olmak üzere, stresli veya travmatik olayların (yakın birini kaybetme, iş değişikliği, doğum, askerlik, göç gibi) hastalığın ortaya çıkmasında ve nüksetmesinde tetikleyici rol oynayabileceği belirtiliyor. Tanı, psikiyatri uzmanı tarafından yapılan muayene ile konulur; hastalığı teşhis edebilen özel bir kan testi veya görüntüleme yöntemi yoktur. Tedavide ruh hali düzenleyici ilaçlar (lityum, valproat, karbamazepin gibi) kullanılır; ayrıca antipsikotik ve antidepresan ilaçlar da eklenebilir. İlaç tedavisinin sürekliliğinin önemi vurgulanırken, düzenli uyku, sağlıklı beslenme, düzenli egzersiz ve stresten uzak durmanın yaşam kalitesini artıracağı belirtiliyor. Hastaların günlük rutinlerini belirlemeleri, erken müdahale için mani veya depresyon dönemlerinden önce ortaya çıkan belirtileri (uyku düzeninde bozulma, düşünce hızlanması, enerji artışı, aşırı uyku hali, içe kapanma, isteksizlik, iştahsızlık gibi) tanımaları ve bu belirtileri fark ettiklerinde bir psikiyatri uzmanına danışmaları öneriliyor. Bipolar bozukluk kronik ancak tedavi edilebilir bir hastalık olup, uygun tedavi ve düzenli takip ile hastalar normal yaşamlarını sürdürebilirler.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Faculty Member Dilek Sarıkaya made important recommendations that will increase the quality of life of the individual in bipolar disorder.

Experts point out the importance of continuity in the treatment process of bipolar disorder, also known as "bipolar mood disorder" or "manic depressive disorder", and point out that patients stop their medication when they feel the best. Stating that this situation is very inconvenient, experts warn, "Never stop your medication". They recommend regular sleep, a healthy and balanced diet, regular movement and exercise to improve quality of life.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Dr. Faculty Member Dilek Sarıkaya made important recommendations that will increase the quality of life of the individual in bipolar disorder.

Stating that bipolar disorder is also called with names such as "bipolar mood disorder, manic depressive disorder, bipolar temperament disorder, bipolar affective disorder", Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said that genetic factors can be considered in the first place among the causes of the emergence of the disease.

Traumatic events can lead to the first period of illness

Prof. Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said, "Changes in the transport or levels of chemical substances that provide intercellular communication in the brain are also effective in the emergence of the disease. Stressful or traumatic events such as the loss of a close person, job change, giving birth, military service and migration can also be triggers both in the emergence of the first episode of illness and in the recurrence of episodes in the future."

"The diagnosis of bipolar disorder can be made mainly by an examination performed by a psychiatric physician," said Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya and added, "There is no blood test or imaging method that can diagnose the disease on its own. However, in order to differentiate non-psychiatric conditions that may cause a similar picture, detailed blood tests and imaging methods should be applied during the diagnosis phase."

Drug treatment should not be interrupted

Emphasizing that the use of medication should not be interrupted and left unfinished during the treatment process, Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya said, "Mood stabilizing drugs (such as lithium, valproate, carbamazepine) are used in the treatment. Depending on the characteristics of the disease period, antipsychotic drugs and sometimes antidepressant drugs can be added to this treatment. The most common mistake patients make during the treatment process is to stop the medication when they start to feel better. However, in order for the well-being to be permanent, they should continue to take the medication regularly every day."

Preventive treatment should also be planned

In the treatment of bipolar disorder, preventive treatment should be planned to prevent relapse as well as to treat the episodes of illness. For this purpose, it may be necessary to give some suggestions to patients for their daily lives:

- Share your illness with friends, family members or your partner (if you have one).

- Sleep as regularly as possible.

- Do not drink alcohol. Stay away from drugs.

- Reduce your stress at work and at home.

- Eat a regular diet.

- Exercise regularly.

- Do breathing exercises.

- Learn to deal with emotions such as anger and depression (depression) one at a time.

Beware of sleep deprivation!

Pointing out the importance of determining daily routines, Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya noted that it is important to intervene in time to the symptoms that occur before the mania or depression periods of the disease and said

"Determining daily routines will benefit patients. In this way, the potential to trigger periods of mania or depression is eliminated. In addition, recognizing the warning signs before the illness period is very important for early intervention. Disturbance of sleep patterns, especially a decrease in the need for sleep, acceleration of thoughts and increase in the amount of speech, increase in energy, spending a lot of money are warning signs for the outburst period; excessive sleepiness and heaviness, introversion, reluctance, pessimism, decreased appetite are warning signs for the depressed period. When these symptoms occur, a psychiatrist should be consulted immediately. The patient's close environment can also be informed about these warning symptoms so that they can recognize the situation early."

Bipolar disorder is treatable

"Bipolar disorder is a chronic but treatable disease like diabetes or high blood pressure," said Dr. Dilek Sarıkaya and added, "Many individuals with bipolar disorder can continue their working life, social life and marriage life without any problems with appropriate psychiatric treatment and regular follow-up. The fact that individuals with this disease do not hesitate to consult a psychiatrist and receive psychiatric treatment, continue their follow-up regularly and continue their medication regularly positively affects the course of the disease and increases the quality of life of the patients."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 March 2024
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