Can burnout syndrome be prevented?

Can burnout syndrome be prevented?

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İş hayatından kaynaklanan tükenmişlik sendromunun önlenmesi, hem şirket yönetimi hem de çalışanlar tarafından alınacak önlemlerle mümkündür. İşyerinde net iş tanımları, sorun çözme için kalıcı mekanizmaların kurulması, çalışanların bireysel ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasının kolaylaştırılması ve karar alma süreçlerine katılımlarının sağlanması önemlidir. Yönetim düzeyinde, net iş tanımları, oryantasyon programları, işin çalışanla uyumlaştırılması, etkili personel planlaması, düzenli ekip toplantıları, sorunların erken çözümü, çalışan desteği, sürekli eğitim fırsatları, ödül sistemlerinin iyileştirilmesi, bireysel ihtiyaçlara önem verilmesi ve katılımcı yönetim yaklaşımı önemlidir. Bireysel düzeyde ise sağlık, moral ve enerjinin sürekliliğinin sağlanması, nefes egzersizleri, fiziksel aktivite, meditasyon, hobiler, zaman ve stres yönetimi, tatil, kişisel gelişim ve danışmanlık, özgüven eğitimleri önerilmektedir. Ayrıca, gerçekçi hedefler belirlemek, olumlu düşünceye odaklanmak, monotonluğu kırmak ve iş yapış şeklini değiştirmek de önemlidir. Tükenmişlik sendromu, "mesleğin anlam ve amacından kopma, hizmet verilen kişilere gerçekten önem verememe" olarak tanımlanmakta olup, enerji kaybı, motivasyon eksikliği, başkalarına karşı olumsuz tutum ve sosyal izolasyon gibi belirtilerle kendini göstermektedir.

It is possible to prevent burnout syndrome caused by work life with some measures to be taken! Both company management and employees have important duties here. Clear job descriptions in the workplace, establishing permanent mechanisms for problem solving, giving importance to meeting the individual needs of employees and facilitating them, ensuring participation in the decisions taken are important in combating burnout syndrome.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Gülçin Şenyuva made evaluations regarding the methods of coping with burnout syndrome caused by business life.

Şenyuva defined burnout syndrome as "a professional person's detachment from the meaning and purpose of their profession, no longer being able to really care about the people they serve" and stated that the main features of burnout are loss of energy, lack of motivation, negative attitude towards others and active withdrawal from others.

Pay attention to these measures at work!

Emphasizing that effective intervention to burnout syndrome should be on both individual and organizational grounds, Gülçin Şenyuva listed the things to be done at the level of workplace managers as follows:

- Job descriptions should be clear and precise.

- New recruits should participate in the orientation program and supervision should be provided.

- The job should be modified to ensure harmony between the job and the employee.

- An effective personnel plan should be made according to the characteristics of the departments.

- Suggestions and criticisms should be received through regular team meetings.

- Permanent mechanisms for problem solving should be established.

- Problems should be addressed when they first arise.

- Managers should be aware that they support employees and that employees can get help from managers in case of distress.

- Continuous training opportunities needed by the staff should be provided.

- Reward resources in the system should be increased.

- It is necessary to emphasize and facilitate meeting the individual needs of the employees and to ensure their participation in the decisions taken.

- A tolerant, flexible, fair, participatory management approach and a manager who listens and values is extremely important in preventing and eliminating exhaustion.

What should be done individually?

Drawing attention to what needs to be done at the individual level in dealing with burnout syndrome, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Gülçin Şenyuva said, "Ensuring the continuity of health, morale and energy is among the most important things that can be done. Breathing exercises, physical activity, relaxation trainings, meditation, having hobbies, time and stress management, long or short-term vacations, participating in personal development and counseling groups, assertiveness trainings are among the activities we can do at the individual level."

Realistic goals and expectations are important!

Gülçin Şenyuva emphasized that in the fight against burnout syndrome, it is also important to have realistic expectations and goals about work, to stay away from stressful situations by preferring to see the positive sides of events, to break the monotony and to change the way the work is done.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At07 September 2020
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