Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders


Our concerns are the natural reactions of our body to stress. Our fears and worries about the future. For example, speaking in front of the community or on the first day of our work can make most people feel nervous and fearful.


However, if our anxiety is excessive and prolonged and makes our life difficult, this brings along anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders, also known as anxiety, are the names given to the avoidance of events and situations that cause these feelings as a result of people's feeling of uncontrollable distress, fear, anxiety and tension that are interpreted as danger and threat.


Anxiety, fear or anxiety of the person in danger or threat is a completely natural instinct. Bodily responses such as tremors, palpitations, tension, sweating or dizziness are also indicators of anxiety. However, these indicators are severe and persist for a long time and get out of control, indicating anxiety disorder.


What Are Anxiety Disorders


To understand anxiety disorder, it is important to understand the fear, anxiety and panic feelings we give against dangers and threats.


Fear: An emotional and physiological response, fear is the body's threatened flight or war response. For example, fear is what we feel when we walk alone in the street alone at night when a scary dog ​​appears.


Anxiety: This is an emotional and physiological reaction we hear when we think of future threats. For example, u is the feeling of “I'm afraid to meet a dog when I go out of the house”. We can also say that the reason for anxiety is to escape from the dangers that may occur in the future.


Panic: It is the unusual reaction of our body to stress, danger or excessive excitement. Panic; extreme emotional, behavioral and physiological fear responses. In other words, if there is no dog in front of us, if our hearts are beating fast on the street, if we feel frightened or stunned, we are panic.


Although fear and panic are short-lived, anxiety is both permanent and chronic. This can have serious negative consequences. Because chronic anxiety causes negative effects not only on the body, but on lifestyle and behavior. It's like not leaving the house at all to avoid scary situations, socially isolating ourselves from the outside world.


Types of Anxiety Disorders


In order to diagnose anxiety disorder, this should affect daily life, cause sadness, not depend on drug use, and should last at least 6 months.


We can list the types of anxiety disorders as follows;

• Common Anxiety Disorder,

• Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Traumatic Stress Disorder

Phobias (Agoraphobia, Claustrophobia, etc.)

• Social Anxiety Disorder,

• Panic attack,

• Selective Speech Disorder

• Separation Anxiety Disorder,

• Anxiety Disorder Due to a Health Problem,


If you think you have anxiety disorder, you can call our company and talk to our specialist doctors. As NPIstanbul, we will do our best with all our staff to make you feel good. Remember that learning which type of anxiety disorder you have, which has many types, is a very important step for treatment. We are here to take the first step and be with you.

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