The DEDİ method for quitting smoking!

The DEDİ method for quitting smoking!

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Uzmanlar, sigaranın Covid-19 hastalığının ciddiyetini artırdığını belirterek, bu dönemin özellikle sigarayı bırakmak için bir fırsat olarak değerlendirilmesi gerektiğini vurguluyor. Dr. Onur Noyan, salgın dönemlerinde negatif duyguların bağımlılık davranışlarını artırdığını ve sigaranın bağışıklığı etkileyerek virüsün daha kolay tutunmasına ve hastalığın daha ağır seyretmesine neden olduğunu belirtiyor. Sigarayı bırakmak için adım adım uygulanabilecek "DEDİ" yöntemini (distraksiyon, erteleme, derin nefes alma, başka bir göreve odaklanma) öneriyor. Bu yöntem, hazırlık ve planlama, destek isteme, tetikleyicilerden kaçınma, isteklerle başa çıkma, riskli durumlara karşı önlem alma ve tekrar düşme durumlarında motivasyonu koruma aşamalarını içeriyor. Evde uygulanabilecek bu adımlar, sigarayı bırakma sürecinde bireylere yol göstermeyi amaçlıyor.

Stating that smoking increases the severity of Covid-19 disease, experts emphasize that this period should be considered as an opportunity, especially in quitting smoking.

Experts emphasize the 'DEDİ' method, pointing out that quitting smoking will be possible with step-by-step steps.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan drew attention to the fact that smoking may increase especially in these days when the fight against the Covid-19 outbreak continues.

Smoking increases the severity of the disease

Stating that studies have shown that negative emotions increase addictive behaviors during epidemic periods, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan said, "It is useful to remind that smoking has a lot of harm related to coronavirus. Smoking affects the immunity in the respiratory tract, causing the virus to hold on more easily and more, causing the disease to be more severe. Epidemic periods are good times to quit smoking."

What should be done to quit smoking?

Giving advice to people who want to quit smoking, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan said, "It is very important that you apply to smoking cessation clinics and follow the treatments (medication, nicotine patch, nicotine gum) recommended by your physician according to the severity of your smoking addiction. It may not be very easy to reach smoking cessation clinics during this period. For this reason, it is necessary to focus on what to do at home without going to health institutions. The first step should be to create smoking awareness. All cigarettes smoked during the day should be recorded, including parameters such as time, place, accompanying emotion, provided that some smartphone applications or noting in a notebook".

Stages of quitting smoking

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Noyan listed the stages to be applied step by step at home as follows

- Preparation and planning phase: Write down why you want to quit and the advantages of quitting. Remember that a difficult process awaits you and that you will see the positive effects of quitting smoking later. It is very important to learn from past quitting experiences and plan a new life without smoking.

- Asking for support: Inform your family members and friends about your quit plan. Talk more with non-smokers who listen to you and understand you. Never allow smoking near you.

- Avoid triggers: It is very important to remove reminders of smoking such as lighters, ashtrays and cigarette packs. Changing your smoking routines (after meals, with tea/coffee, alcohol, breaks) is another important step. Developing ways to cope with stress, negative emotions and boredom will make you less likely to want to smoke.

- Accepting cravings: In the first days of quitting smoking, cravings can be very intense with nicotine withdrawal. But the craving will pass after a while. During this period, remember that cravings will come, go away after a while, and perhaps continue for a long time. It is very important to learn to live with cravings during this period. Apply the DIED method (distraction, procrastination, deep breathing, focusing on another task).

- Taking precautions against risky situations: At this stage, you need to be creative. It is necessary to identify all kinds of risky situations in advance and take precautions in advance. The more creative you are, the easier it will be. Brushing your teeth immediately after a meal, using mint gum, drinking plenty of water, designating the car as a smoke-free zone. Prepare a to-do list, move, exercise regularly, focus on healthy eating, meditate/yoga, focus on listening to music and books.

- Getaways: Let's say you couldn't resist and smoked a cigarette. Continue your smoking cessation plan from where you left off without getting depressed or criticizing yourself. Remind yourself again why you want to quit. In the meantime, suggest to your smoker relatives around you to quit smoking.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At01 June 2020
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