Tarhan: Profession is like a dress, not a skin

Tarhan: Profession is like a dress, not a skin

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Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü Psikiyatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, meslek seçiminin gençlerin yetenek ve ilgi alanlarına uygun olarak yapılması gerektiğini ve kariyer seçiminde kullanılan meslek testinin kişinin kişisel özelliklerine uygun alanları ortaya koyduğunu belirtmiştir. Prof. Tarhan, adayları masa başı seçim konusunda uyarmış ve tercih edilecek üniversitenin mutlaka ziyaret edilmesi gerektiğini vurgulamıştır. Mesleğin bir elbise, değil bir deri gibi görülmesi gerektiğini, kişisel özelliklerin ve yeteneklerin göz önünde bulundurulması, dayatmalardan kaçınılması gerektiğini söylemiştir. Ailelerin çocuklarına rehberlik etmeleri, çocukların ise deneyimli kişilerle danışarak karar vermeleri gerektiğini belirtmiştir. Kariyer testlerinin, özellikle Holland Testi gibi testlerin, kişinin kişilik özelliklerine uygun meslek alanlarını belirlemede yardımcı olduğunu, üniversite seçiminde ise üniversitenin güçlü olduğu alanlar, akademik kadrosu, altyapısı ve uygulama imkanlarının dikkate alınması gerektiğini eklemiştir. Son olarak, üniversitelerin ziyaret edilerek yerinde görülmesinin önemini vurgulamıştır.

Üsküdar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the choice of profession should be made in line with the talents and interests of young people and that the career test used in career selection reveals the fields suitable for the personal characteristics of the person. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan warned the candidates about the choice at the desk and noted that the university to be preferred should definitely be visited.


Üsküdar University Rector Psychiatrist, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the choice of profession and university is important and gave advice to both university candidates and parents.

Profession is like a dress, not a skin

Stating that what is understood as a profession varies from person to person, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "What we understand from a profession is very important. When it comes to profession, it is generally considered as the field where the person will spend his/her lifetime and earn his/her bread. Profession should be seen like a dress, not like a skin. There are those who see the profession as a skin. However, our profession is not a skin, it is a dress. The skin is a part of the body. When you see the profession like this, a person enters a profession. He thinks it is suitable for him. Some professions lose their importance over time or conditions change. In such cases, new interpretations are needed for that profession. If we see the profession as a dress, we can change it or we can make changes in accordance with it. A person who evaluates the profession in a rigid way cannot manage his/her profession, the profession becomes managing him/her. For this reason, we should think of the profession as a dress, not an extension or part of our body. The profession, just like the dress, should suit us, make us comfortable and serve us."

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that what is important in choosing a profession is one's own road map and one's own future, and that it is more important to act in a human-oriented manner rather than a profession-oriented manner.

Professions are attributed unrealistic meanings

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized that personal characteristics and abilities should be taken into consideration in choosing a profession and impositions should be avoided. "There are such fathers who have 5-6 children. He made a separate plan for each of them. This one will be a doctor, that one will be an engineer. There are conservative approaches that distribute their children to professions, determining and insisting without taking their opinions and ideas, without knowing what their interests and talents are when they grow up. These are both scientifically inappropriate and can ruin the future of the child. For this reason, it is necessary to give the right meaning to the profession. Profession is not a goal; it is a subject that is a means for a person to meet his/her basic needs and make a living while progressing on the path of life."

The child should sit in the wheelhouse

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "The primary duty of families at this stage is to be guides and guides for their children." Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "Parents should not sit in the wheelhouse of the ship. They will guide the child. The child will run the ship of life. The child will be the captain of the ship, but he/she will be able to consult with the parents. He will ask, 'I want to do this, what do you think? The child should benefit from the years of experience of his/her parents. The child should consult with people who are more experienced than him/her."

Smart people benefit from the experience of others

Stating that there are two ways of learning, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "The one who advances in life by consulting, finds the path by making the least mistakes. There are two important learning styles; one is trial and error. The second is to benefit from the experiences of others. We cannot learn by trial and error. Therefore, a smart person benefits from the experiences of others, asks those who know. It is necessary to be open to learning."

Selfish goals make us lazy

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that abstract and social goals should be set for children in choosing a profession, not concrete goals, and said, "Profession is a means, not an end. What is the goal? How do you want to be remembered at the end of your life? What kind of person do you want to be? There will be abstract goals like these. If you want to have concrete goals, that is, if you say 'I want to have a house and a car', the person becomes lazy. Their talents disappear. People are not suited for concrete goals, but for abstract goals, these goals are human. Abstract goals aim for social benefit, not individual benefit. A person's worth is measured by the contribution he or she makes to others. In other words, the value of a person is not in the contribution he makes to himself, but in the contribution he makes to the society he lives in, to his country, to his homeland, to humanity. How rich he/she is is not the measure of worthiness. For this reason, when we look at history, it has always been those who prioritized social benefit, not individual achievements, who have been beneficial. Therefore, while giving ego ideals to young people, it is necessary to set social goals instead of concrete and temporary or selfish goals such as becoming rich, wealthy and famous."

Career choice should be determined according to a career test

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan suggested that young people should take a career test that determines their interests in accordance with their personality traits while choosing a profession:
"While making a career choice, simple practical tests called career tests, which are also available on the internet and can be done in 15 minutes, can be used. These tests help to determine the occupational fields of the person. These tests do not show the profession, but the personality type of the person who is predisposed to which profession. As Üsküdar University, we routinely use a test called the Holand Test.

Fields suitable for personality traits are recommended

Anyone can take this test on our website. This test yields 6 results. Does the person have a realistic personality type, does he/she have researcher characteristics, is he/she a conservative personality, is he/she an entrepreneurial person, is he/she a social person or is he/she a person with strong aesthetic features? If one of these 6 personality types comes to the fore, it is recommended to make a choice in related fields. The candidate is advised to choose fields that are suitable for his/her personality: Because you will be more successful there, you can make decisions faster, you perceive things better, you can progress faster, you can go deeper. If a person with a conservative personality type chooses professions where entrepreneurship and R&D are important, they will have difficulties. We advise candidates to take a career test."

It is important that the university is a flagship

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the field of specialization, academic staff, infrastructure and application opportunities of the university to be preferred in choosing a profession are important and should be taken into consideration and said, "It is important where you will learn the profession. For this, every university or institution where you will learn the profession has a flagship. It is very good in some professions and fields. Some have good academic staff, some are at the forefront in health, some are at the forefront in behavioral sciences, for example in psychology, both in terms of infrastructure and academic staff. Good in genetics or bioengineering. In communication, it is very good at offering theoretical and practical opportunities... Candidates should research the institutions that are the best in the field they want to choose."

Universities should be visited

Stating that universities must be researched and visited on site, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "You can get information about academic staff, departments and programs from the websites of universities, but this is not enough, it is useful to go and see the university in person. He will spend at least 4 years here. 'Is there a productive educational environment for me here? Is it a student-friendly university? It is important that it is a student-oriented, student-friendly university. It should be noted that this environment is provided. They can only understand this by going and seeing it on site," he warned.

Preference robots reduce making mistakes

Stating that the promotional periods of universities offer an important opportunity in this regard, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "During the promotional periods, department professors provide information. If the candidate has a question mark in his/her mind, this is an important opportunity. He can ask his questions personally and get ideas. Preference robots are very useful in choosing a profession. It reduces making mistakes about preference. In addition, the preference counselors working in this period are actively working during the promotion period. As a university, we will support our candidate friends with our strong preference expert staff of our guidance unit. University candidates can get help from experts by visiting universities during this period. Candidates can get help from these experts in determining their strengths and weaknesses."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At04 July 2019
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