Psychological support is crucial in the fight against cancer

Psychological support is crucial in the fight against cancer

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Kanser teşhisi konan hastaların yaklaşık üçte birinin ruh sağlığı bozukluğu yaşadığını gösteren bilimsel çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu hastalar sıklıkla depresyon, anksiyete bozuklukları, uyum bozuklukları ve uyku bozuklukları yaşarlar. Psikiyatrik bozukluklar varlığında vakit kaybetmeden destek aranmalıdır. Kanser teşhisi korku, kaygı ve depresyona neden olabilir; bu tepkiler bir ölçüde normaldir. Hastanın biyolojik özellikleri (kanser hangi organı etkiliyor, hangi şikayetlere neden oluyor, hangi evrede, hastanın yaşı), kişilik özellikleri, stresle başa çıkma biçimi, daha önce psikolojik sorun yaşaması, sosyal destek düzeyi, aile ve iş hayatındaki yeri ve kültürel özellikleri ruhsal tepkileri etkiler. Hastalar önce şok yaşayabilir ve hastalığı reddedebilir, ardından kaygı, korku ve öfke gibi duygularla başa çıkmaya çalışır, sonra hastalığı kabullenme ve tedaviye uyum süreci gelir. Yüksek stres seviyeleri hayatta kalma oranlarını kötüleştirir, depresyon ise hastalığın tekrarlama riskini artırır, kemoterapiye uyumu azaltır ve ağrı eşiğini düşürür. Yetersiz sosyal destek, hücre seviyesinde iltihabı artıran mekanizmalar nedeniyle tümör büyümesini ve hastalık ilerlemesini artırır. Kanserle mücadele eden kişilere destek olmak için, duygularını tahmin etmek yerine tanımaya çalışılmalı, doğal günlük konuşmalar sürdürülmeli, konuşmak istemedikleri zamanlara saygı gösterilmeli, dinlemeye hazır olunduğu belirtilmeli, “güçlü olmalısın” gibi baskılayıcı ifadelerden kaçınılmalı, kişisel deneyimler karşılaştırılmamalı ve izinsiz hastalık bilgileri paylaşılmamalıdır. Aile üyelerinin doğru bilgiye sahip olması, görevlerin paylaşılması ve bakım verenlerin kendi ihtiyaçlarını da göz önünde bulundurmaları önemlidir.

Scientific studies show that about one third of patients diagnosed with cancer may have mental health disorders. Pointing out the importance of psychological support, experts said, "These people often suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders and sleep disorders. In the presence of psychiatric disorders, support should be sought without wasting time."

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol pointed out the importance of psychological resilience in patients struggling with cancer.

Stating that being diagnosed with cancer can often cause fear, anxiety and depression in the person, Yertutanol said that these reactions are considered normal to some extent. Yertutanol said, "A cancer patient may feel that they have entered a path with many unknowns such as fear of death, fear of suffering, fear of loss of limbs, fear of losing their family and job. Similar feelings are also experienced by the patient's family members and relatives, and the possibility of losing a loved one can evoke strong emotions in them as well."

There are many factors affecting psychological reactions

Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol said, "There are many factors that affect the mental reactions of the person. Biological characteristics such as which organ the cancer affects, what kind of complaints it will cause, what stage it is at, and the age of the patient are important. On the other hand, the patient's personality traits, how he/she copes with stress, and whether he/she has had psychological problems before also determine the reactions to the disease. In addition, the level of social support, place in family and work life, and cultural characteristics of the person are also decisive."

The disease can be denied during the shock period

Stating that a person diagnosed with cancer first experiences a period of shock and may reject the disease during this period, Yertutanol said, "Then they start to react and cope with emotions such as anxiety, fear and anger. Then there is a process of acceptance of the disease and adaptation to treatment. From time to time, denial of the disease and refusal of treatment can be seen."

Psychiatric support should be sought

Noting that scientific studies show that approximately 30% of patients diagnosed with cancer develop mental health disorders, Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol said, "These people often suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders and sleep disorders. In the presence of psychiatric disorders, support should be sought without wasting time."

Why is mental health important in the fight against cancer?

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol said that according to the results of 330 studies evaluating patients with cancer, high stress levels worsen the survival rates of patients. Yertutanol said, "Depression can increase the risk of recurrence of the disease following cancer treatment and reduce compliance with chemotherapy treatment. In addition, depression can lead to a decreased pain threshold."

Yertutanol said, "According to scientific studies, tumor growth and disease progression increase in people with poor social support due to mechanisms that increase inflammation at the cell level. Inadequate social support has been shown to increase the substance known as IL6 in the body, which increases vascular structuring that will provide nutrition to cancerous tissue. Therefore, receiving psychological support while fighting cancer will positively affect the course of the disease."

How should a person fighting cancer be supported?

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol also made the following recommendations regarding the support that should be given to a person struggling with cancer:

1. Try to recognize the feelings of people with cancer instead of trying to predict their feelings, as they do not all feel the same and their emotions can change frequently. Remember that sometimes they may feel good and sometimes bad.

2. Keep in mind that they may not want to talk about cancer all the time and try to maintain natural daily conversations.

3. Recognize that they may not want to talk at times and let them spend time on their own.

4. Tell them that you are ready to listen to them when they want to talk to you, listen empathetically and attentively.

5. Don't say "you have to be strong", "don't be sad", "stay positive", this can create pressure.

6. Do not compare your situation with others, because everyone's experience of cancer is different.

7. Don't take it personally when they don't want to talk, are angry or upset.

8. Offer help with daily tasks if they want it, don't insist if they don't.

9. Sometimes it helps just to be there for them.

10. Do not make observations such as "you have lost weight" or "you don't look so sick".

11. Do not share information and details about the person's illness with others without their permission.

Attitudes of families are important

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol said, "Having the right information about cancer is comforting for family members who care for cancer patients. Knowing what to expect in the process and having an idea about the side effects of treatments makes the patient's relatives feel more secure and controlled. It is important to allocate the tasks related to care to family members and to form a team. It is also possible for caregivers of cancer patients to face psychological difficulties. It is important that caregivers make time for themselves, do not ignore their private lives, and get help from others. In this process, help can be obtained from support groups of relatives of cancer patients or mental health professionals."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 February 2020
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