Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: Angry people disable the brain

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan: Angry people disable the brain

Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "Criminal types attack people who cannot defend themselves, especially women. When they get angry, the thinking part of their brain is disabled because they act on their feelings. They do not feel guilt and regret, these people should be punished not with minimum but maximum punishment." Tarhan advised those who are attacked in traffic to lock their doors and not get out of the vehicle.

Üsküdar University Founding Rector Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan made striking statements about the character analysis of people who attack the other party after traffic accidents and shared important advice to those who were attacked.

There are 3 different types of traffic bullies

Stating that these incidents will neither be the first nor the last, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "Certainly, such incidents occur. When we examine the perpetrators who are traffic bullies, we see three types of people. The first is criminal people with low thresholds of inhibition and criminal skills. These people want everything they want and at the same time accept it as natural to get results with anger. They do it on purpose. Another group is people who appear to be rowdy, perhaps using substances or under the influence of alcohol. The third type of person is those with hidden depression. These people express their depression in the form of anger. In fact, they later regret 'why did I do it?" he said.

Criminals do not feel guilt and regret

Tarhan said, 'The majority of the people we encounter in these incidents are in the third group. The third group is the preventable violence group. It is in the group of violence that can be treated and solved" and continued his words as follows:

"If the perpetrator of violence is a criminal type, that is, a person who is capable of crime, who has no sense of compassion, who is ruthless, even if these people are punished, it is necessary to give them maximum punishment, not minimum. Because these people do not feel guilt and remorse. In fact, these are the real magandas. When these people appear in court, judges and prosecutors should not let them go just because they wear a tie."

They target the weak, not women

Stating that violence occurs at home as well as in traffic, Tarhan said, "Do we perceive this violence as violence against women or violence against the weak? When we say violence against women, we are pushing it into male-female wars. Violence at home cannot be visualized, but it is no different from this. This is not violence against women, it is violence against those who cannot defend themselves.

They see those who prevent them as enemies

Stating that the human brain releases chemicals such as neuradrenaline during anger, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan continued his words as follows

"There are five groups of chemicals called the five horsemen of darkness. Grudge, anger, hatred, jealousy, enmity. In this emotion, the brain secretes self-directed chemicals. In anger, the body gives a fight-flight response. It pumps energy resources into the blood and fatty acids increase, glucose increases, sugar increases in the blood. This is the fight or flight response. Because the person is having a fight or flight reaction, they no longer see anything, and they see the person who is preventing them as an enemy. Angry people act with their feeling brain, they disable their thinking brain. How should intelligent people behave in such situations? It is important to activate the thinking brain of that person, not the feeling brain. When you do this, you draw that person into your battlefield. In these moments, if the victimized person reacts to the angry person, then power struggles begin. The weaker one loses."

'Freeze Response' in the face of violence

"When your spouse starts yelling and screaming in the family, if you make him/her calm down and think, he/she will do it," Tarhan continued:

"If the angry person is yelling, yell back, if he/she is throwing plates, throw them back, or if he/she is coming at you, go at him/her, or if he/she is coming at you, let's freeze if he/she does not understand the words. The reason why murders usually occur as a result of anger is that the two sides approach each other in the same way. So it is necessary to remain silent and wait for these people. The freeze response prevents his violence from escalating. If you don't give a freeze reaction and try to respond to him, it fuels it even more. His judgment and mind control is already impaired there. Doing so will only escalate the situation. In such situations we will not let ourselves be overwhelmed but we will use our minds. We protect ourselves with our minds, not our feelings."

Video recording increases the other party's anger

Emphasizing that if there is an attack against oneself in traffic, one should not get out of the vehicle, Tarhan said, "If possible, one should immediately close the windows and 'freeze reaction' should be given. Recording by phone will increase the anger of the other party even more. In such cases, the person who is already angry will shout, call, kick the car once or twice and leave. If there is an impression that he/she will understand the words, it can be done outside. But in such situations it is necessary to react with a dull, expressionless reaction. With an expressionless reaction, the other party starts not to see you as an enemy. If we come across someone who approaches with violent behavior, our first reaction should generally be to freeze, to stop and wait. We should not react. If we try to react, it is a risk in this situation."

The other party can be calmed by persuasion

Stating that the person who will cause an incident can be calmed down with the persuasion method, Tarhan said, "This is a method. Such methods are event-specific situations that can be approached against people in times of anger. When a video is taken at the scene like the lady in the images, the other party gets more angry. She perceived it as a threat and became even more mad. In such situations, the people around need to be cool-headed. With zero facial expressions, we need to explain to him that what he did was wrong and wait for him to calm down. Even if it takes five minutes, we will wait for his anger to pass. Secondly, if we do not react to the other party in such situations, even if he has a weapon, he will not use it. Here, people with superior emotional intelligence do anger management well."

Anger is usually contagious

Tarhan said, "Anger is often contagious, those who love the person who is angry buy his anger and even feed on his anger" and continued as follows:
"Anger is such an emotion that it is very interesting. There are personalities that feed on anger. They feel uncomfortable when they are not angry. Most of it is preventable anger. 60-70 percent of these incidents provide an advantage in anger control if they are treated. Therefore, those who have anger control problems should not say that this does not cause problems. There is therapy with impulse control methods for anger control. It is a long method, but there are very useful drugs in psychiatry now. There are drugs that are not addictive, do not prevent driving, and are also used by employees and students. With these drugs, it is possible to reduce anger control by 50-60 percent in society."

There is an increase in anger control

Stating that anger management has increased today compared to 50 years ago, Tarhan said, "Because there is social and economic mobility. People want more but they have less power. There is a serious consumption frenzy, a consumption economy. You ask why they are angry and they say economic situation. You look at the fact that the income of that person is enough for their basic needs, but they want more luxury. The bar has been raised, expectations have been raised. When it rises, anger arises when you can't get it. This situation brought by modernism is also a reason that increases anger."

Women experience depression 3 times more

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said that women express their emotions by crying when there is a situation to be angry, when they are blocked, when they feel bad. "There is 3 times more depression in women, but the emotional expression of depression in men is in the form of anger. Due to the structuring in the brain, if men or women have trained themselves in emotion, they can control anger and crying according to the time and place. In fact, a man being angry is equivalent to a woman crying. It is necessary to know this. Anger is 2-3 times more in men. They express emotions in the form of anger."

Some anger is caused by illness

Stating that mood disorder is seen in some cases, Tarhan said, "It appears in the form of anger, but we see that there is a sub-threshold mood disorder. His anger is caused by the disease. It can be improved with mood regulating treatments. For this, if there are those who are angry and regret it later, there is a treatment and they benefit a lot if a planned treatment is done. But if they feed on anger and don't want to give it up, they need to pay a price. If they can't control themselves internally, they need external control. They need to experience the natural consequences of their behavior. If necessary, they are punished and deprived. This is also valid within the family."

We learn to get results with anger in childhood

Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "We learn to get results with anger, to achieve with anger in our childhood" and continued his words as follows:

"If we raise a child in the style of hit my son, you are a lion, do it my son, that child will learn anger in the future. We teach anger at a young age without realizing it. It is not right to suppress anger, it is necessary to grind anger. When we suppress anger, it turns inward, blood pressure rises, vascular resistance increases, gastrointestinal spasms occur, the immune system is suppressed, allergic diseases occur. Many diseases are related to anger directed inward. It is not right to suppress anger, it is necessary to grind and direct it. Instead of punishing the society to reduce anger and violence in the family, it is necessary to direct it to art, music and literature. In the Ottoman Empire, butchers were made to work as gardeners for a month so that their sense of compassion would not decrease. When the sense of compassion decreases, anger increases. They start to see the other side as an ant. We come from such a culture."

'Satisfaction delay module' against violence

Stating that we need to gain the scientific understanding of 'don't break the shell of an egg after using it, don't feed your anger', Tarhan said, "These are now being discovered scientifically in the world. There is a scientific methodology to control the wild emotions in human beings. If we can do these, you can be sure that many people will learn to express their anger. There is a delay of gratification module on violence in the family, there is a module on anger control. We teach these to people module by module. If we teach these, you can be sure that many anger incidents will decrease. We need to find the cause of anger. We need to approach anger with the firefighter model. When a fire breaks out somewhere, it is first extinguished, then cooled, then the cause is investigated. We need to apply this model in the moment of anger."

It is necessary to receive training against anger crisis

Tarhan stated that the person who is angry may also be right and continued his words as follows:

"We may have done something to anger him/her without realizing it. In some cases, if we can make the other party realize our own flaws, if the other party is not a degenerate, what we call a psychopath, that person starts to take it down immediately in such situations. We need to be trained against anger crisis. The best method against this is anger management training. What we do when we encounter the anger of the other party is also important, as is how we deal with our own anger. There are anger management training modules. The most important feature of this module is not to go down to the cause. In such situations, it is important to understand and talk about the situation without going into the cause. It is also risky to immediately go on the defensive."

30 - 40 percent of incidents require punishment

Tarhan said, "If he is a criminal type, if he is capable of crime, if he has a criminal record in the past, or if there are factors such as alcohol or drugs, he should pay whatever the law requires for his behavior." Tarhan said, "But if the person has done this and later regretted it, if there is sincere regret, in such cases, if there is a damage he has caused, he will compensate for it. But if these events are frequent, this is a condition that can be treated. This kind of anger varies according to the personality structure of the person. It depends on the person's philosophy of life. Is there a hidden depression? Is there a mood disorder in the background? In some cases, there is not even a clinical definition but there is a subthreshold mood disorder. There may be inconsistent unstable people. These are preventable anger. It is a preventable anger that can be treated. 30-40% of them are incidents that require punishment. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to pity the person who is angry, not to get angry. Because an angry person is like a person who has fallen into a well and cannot get out. Instead of getting angry with angry people, we need to think about how we can help them."

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At20 August 2020
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