New miracle in pregnancy depression

New miracle in pregnancy depression

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While there is a high rate of success in treating depression, some emotional states that occur during pregnancy can affect the treatment process. The mother's concerns about harm to her baby complicate the treatment of depression. Experts recommend "Phototherapy" for pregnant women who "do not want to use medication", which is preferred by many young women because it is a safe treatment during pregnancy: Bright light therapy", which is preferred by many young women because it is safe during pregnancy.


Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar gave important information about "phototherapy", a safe treatment for pregnancy depression.

If you say "I don't want to use medication", pay attention to these suggestions!

"Although depression is a group of diseases that are very successful in treatment, some of the unique features of pregnancy, our thoughts about protecting the baby, the concerns about harming the baby, which are sometimes local and sometimes unwarranted in the mother, make the treatment of depression a little complicated," said Assoc,

Have a light equivalent to sunlight!

"Often our patients ask us: 'I don't want to take medication, I don't have the means for therapy, I can't find a therapist, I don't want to have magnetic stimulation therapy right now, is there a more natural solution? At this point, we offer you a natural solution: 'Phototherapy' or 'bright light therapy'. The effect of bright light on our brain, its sleep-regulating effect and the increase in depression rates when we are deprived of sunlight have long been known. It seems like a very good idea to bring a light equivalent to sunlight into our home, into our room, into our location through a device and offer it as a treatment."

Phototherapy is preferred by many young women

Stating that bright light therapy can be a highly effective and very close to natural form of treatment in depressions that sometimes show seasonal characteristics (cycles such as winter depression, spring depression that follow a certain season) in pregnant women, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar continued her words as follows:


"Here, in front of a light source of 10,000 lux, which is equivalent to daylight, the person can sit for half an hour a day, usually early in the morning, according to a protocol determined by their doctor. They can do their daily chores; they can do crossword puzzles, read a book or knit.

Stay about 1 meter away from the light source

Stating that the person should be about 1 meter away from the light source, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sayar said, "We ask the person to take a very short look at the light source every 30-45 seconds. Thus, we ensure that the light reaches the eyes more and in this way we can treat depression."

"However, sometimes this treatment may of course be inadequate, while in some cases it works quite well. However, it can be a treatment preferred by many young women as it does not harm the body and is a safe treatment during pregnancy."

Click for Beck Depression Test

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At25 October 2022
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