How to prepare for an earthquake?

How to prepare for an earthquake?

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Deprem, yaşam kaybına yol açmasa da birçok kişide korku ve endişeye neden olabilir. Uzmanlar, şiddetli depremlerin bazı kişilerde travmaya yol açabileceğini belirterek, depremlere karşı bilişsel hazırlığın önemini vurguluyor. Deprem sonrası sürekli korku, irkilme reaksiyonu, en ufak sese karşı hassasiyet, uyku bozukluğu, iştah azalması, ağlama, o anı sürekli olarak canlandırma ve kimseyi görmek istememe gibi belirtiler görülebilir. Bu belirtiler kişiden kişiye değişmekle birlikte, en yaygın belirtilerdir. Bazı kişilerde belirtiler sık sık kendilerini kaybetme noktasına kadar sürebilir. Deprem sonrası travma sonrası stres bozukluğu (TSSB) gelişirse, profesyonel yardım almak şarttır. TSSB belirtileri birkaç hafta sonra da devam ediyorsa, ilaç tedavisiyle desteklenen psikoterapi veya bir terapiye başvurulmalıdır. Ancak, hafif korku ve huzursuzluk, bireylerin önlem almasını sağlayan olumlu bir yönü de taşımaktadır. Deprem gerçeğini bilerek önlem alarak yaşamak, evde küçük çaplı deprem hazırlıkları yapmak ve ailece bir plan oluşturmak, deprem sırasında daha sakin ve bilinçli davranılmasını sağlar.

The earthquake, which did not cause loss of life, caused fear and anxiety in many people. Stating that severe earthquakes can cause trauma in some people, experts emphasize the importance of cognitive preparation for earthquakes.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semra Baripoğlu said that earthquakes can cause trauma.

Noting that an earthquake, which is a natural disaster, can cause psychological trauma if it causes strong, severe and serious damage, Baripoğlu said, "In the symptoms of this trauma, the person may experience extreme fear. The person may go into shock at the first moment and in the first minute. As seen in some people, a dangerous way of escape may be chosen. For example, jumping out of a window. There may be a feeling of helplessness and panic. The person may feel helpless, of course the fear of death takes over at that moment. For example, there is a fear that he/she will lose his/her life or something will collapse on him/her or he/she will cripple himself/herself."


Stating that the severity of the earthquake may vary depending on the age of the person, where the person caught the earthquake, whether they lost any loved ones or relatives during or after this earthquake, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semra Baripoğlu said, "Earthquake is of course a psychological trauma factor whose severity will be determined depending on the strength and strength of the person's psychological defense system and coping skills."

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semra Baripoğlu stated that the following symptoms may occur in those who are most severely and worst affected by the earthquake: "Symptoms such as constant fear, startle reaction, being affected by the slightest sound, sleep disturbance, decreased appetite, crying, constantly visualizing that moment, and not wanting to talk to anyone may occur. These symptoms vary from person to person, but these are the most common symptoms. In some people, symptoms may occur until they lose themselves frequently."

Noting that fear may also develop after the earthquake and from the stimuli evoking the earthquake, Assist.Assoc.Prof. Dr. Semra Baripoğlu said, "Some people may not be able to enter the house for days. They may not be able to enter the room they were in during the earthquake. Of course, most people get over a mild shaking within days in an earthquake that is not very severe. They can get rid of the effect of that fear without developing a psychological picture, but in some people, conditions that we can call a permanent psychological problem, namely Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, can settle and settle."


Emphasizing that if the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder have started, it is absolutely necessary to get professional help, psychotherapy or a therapy supported by medication, Assist. Assoc. Semra Baripoğlu said, "If these complaints do not decrease even after a few weeks, if sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, depressive symptoms or the state of being startled by the slightest sound, inability to pay attention to work, unwillingness and apathy such as withdrawal from life, waking up with nightmares from sleep, if there are symptoms such as these, it is absolutely necessary to get support with drug treatment if a trauma-oriented psychotherapy is required. Because there are regions in the brain where these traumatic experiences are recorded and these regions are triggered. They can even be triggered by repeated or earthquake-evoking stimuli. Therefore, receiving an effective treatment will prevent the person from further loss of function. It will quickly restore the quality of life to the previous level."


Assist.Assoc.Prof. Dr. Semra Baripoğlu stated that the milder fear and uneasiness experienced in an earthquake has positive aspects and prompts the person to take precautions, "It is necessary to live by taking precautions by knowing the earthquake reality. How can we best protect ourselves in this situation? We will look at the region we live in. How much risk are we at? According to the statements of experts, it is important to be mentally ready. We should take precautions at home. There should be small preparations for an earthquake in a corner. If there are small children at home, necessary precautions should be taken for their safety. Individuals who do these things can stay calmer and cooler during an earthquake.

There are earthquake simulations abroad. Such simulations are actually very useful in preparing people mentally, that is, cognitively for earthquakes. Knowing that children are also prepared for an earthquake mentally relaxes parents. It is important to sit down and prepare for this phenomenon as a family, to determine the hours that are under our control, and that everyone in the family knows what to do according to their location. This will allow us to stay cooler and act consciously during the event. It is important that not only families, but also workplaces, security experts in workplaces, schools and the state take measures and trainings for the safety of every citizen at this point."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At26 September 2019
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