Format your brain with a mental detox!

Format your brain with a mental detox!

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Uzman Klinik Psikolog İhsan Öztekin'in belirttiği gibi, mutluluk ve mutsuzluk, yaşanan olaylara değil, bu olaylara atfedilen anlamlara bağlıdır. Beynimiz düşüncelerimiz ve inançlarımız yönünde çalışır; bu nedenle, olumsuz deneyimlerin etkisinden farklı bir bakış açısıyla kurtulmak mümkündür. "Mental detoks", beyindeki negatif düşünceleri kontrol altına alma sürecidir ve geçmişi silmeyi değil, mevcut ve gelecekteki olumsuz etkilerden kurtulmayı hedefler. Öztekin, bu süreci; kabullenme, affetme, negatif düşünceleri yakalama, yaşam alanında olumlu değişiklikler yapma, renklerin gücüne inanma, felaket senaryolarından uzak durma, kendini suçlamaktan kaçınma, olumlu yönleri görme, iyi-kötü ikilemine takılmama ve hedefler belirleyip bunları görselleştirme adımlarıyla açıklıyor. Mental detoks; beyni Beta dalgalarından Alfa dalgalarına taşıyarak rahatlama, odaklanma, sağlıklı düşünme, motivasyon artışı, olumlu düşünce ve bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirme gibi faydalar sağlar.

The human brain works according to what the person thinks and believes. Happiness and unhappiness are determined not by the events experienced, but by the meanings attributed to these events. "Our brain works in the direction of what we think and believe," said Uzman. Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin emphasized that people can get rid of the negative effects of the events they experience with a different perspective.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital gave important information about "mental detox", which allows the negative thoughts in the mind to be under control.

"First of all, 'mental detox' does not mean erasing the past and destroying the records there," İhsan Öztekin said, "We lived whatever we lived in the past, everything was an experience. If those experiences still upset us today, make us angry, make us feel bad, we need to change their effects. With this change, we get rid of the negative effects in our present and future."

Your happiness is determined by the meanings you attribute

Uzm. Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin said, "What we think and what we believe, our brain works in that direction" and continued his words as follows:

"It is not our experiences that determine whether we are happy or unhappy, but the meanings we attribute to these events. An event can have a very negative psychological impact on us, but with a different perspective, we can get rid of the negative effects of this event, or even capture the positive aspects and feel better.

Format your brain!

If we have a problem today, if we cannot apply what we know, it is because we do not know how to use the computer in the brain. In other words, it is necessary to format, reprogram and update the brain like a virus removal program from time to time. We can also look at mental detox from this perspective."

10 steps to mental detox

Uzm. Clinical Psychologist İhsan Öztekin listed the mental detox methods and their benefits as follows:


"You can start with acceptance. Separations, illnesses, deaths are the reality of life. Of course, there is deep pain. However, it is also necessary to accept this situation after a while after the mourning process is over.


Forgiveness is the process after acceptance. Whether your relationship is over or you are still in a relationship, forgive all the relatives, friends, lovers, ex-lovers or spouses who have upset you. Get rid of all the gifts, photos, objects and messages that remind you of them and make you feel bad when you see them. By making peace with your past, you will feel lighter and happier by getting rid of tons of burdens that you may not even realize, but that you have had to carry for years and have lost your health because of it.

Catch the negative!

Try to catch the negative thoughts that pass through your mind. Pay attention to the words and sentences you use. Avoid using sentences like 'everything is getting worse in my life' and making negative generalizations.

Start change!

Everything has a consciousness and energy. You can start the change from your living space, your home. Get rid of the objects and pictures that weigh you down and do not give you good energy. If you are working, you can also make positive changes in your workplace to make you feel better. Don't forget your computer screen. You can choose beautiful images that make you feel good and motivate you that you can easily access on your phone.

Believe in colors!

Believe in the power of colors. We all have colors that make us feel good. From home decoration to the colors of your clothes and accessories, from your hair color to your nail polish color, you can feel much better by using the colors you love in every aspect of your life.

Stay away from disaster scenarios!

Do not base your life on disaster scenarios. Stop thinking about the worst possible scenarios. If you think you are such a person and you are writing disaster scenarios like 'what if this happens', then you are making exaggerated interpretations when evaluating events. Think of things you have thought badly about in the past that didn't happen, or things that happened and you were able to cope with. In this way, you can prevent bad scenarios from frightening you and negatively affecting your life.

Don't blame yourself!

Don't blame yourself for everything that happens to you. Stop adding feelings of guilt to your lack of self-confidence. We all have mistakes, shortcomings and wrongdoings. The important thing is to realize these shortcomings without blaming ourselves and try to strengthen this aspect of ourselves. In this way, we will also increase our self-confidence.

See your positive aspects!

Stop ignoring your positive aspects and exaggerating your negative ones. You should be able to say 'I am successful in this, I am proud of myself in that'. Stop the habit of attributing your achievements to external reasons. Stay away from 'I got high marks but the exam was easy' approaches.

Stay away from good or bad thinking!

Do not evaluate people and events with the idea that they are either good or bad. Life is not based on 'all or nothing'. There are shades of gray between black and white. It is a fact that we all have good and bad sides. Accepting ourselves and other people in this way will give us a great advantage and benefit, especially in our friendship and friendship relationships.

Have dreams and goals!

Always have dreams and goals. Visualize your goals in life, dream. Your brain is programmed to realize something you believe in. Think about what makes you happy, your dreams and live them in your mind. With patience and perseverance, after a while you will realize that you are attracting them into your life.

Reprogram your mind with mental detox

1. It moves the brain from intense Beta waves to calm and instructive Alpha waves.

2. Relaxes the mind and body.

3. Facilitates focus and learning.

4. Enables healthy and efficient thinking and goal setting.

5. Increases motivation and creativity.

6. Interrupts unnecessary intense thought flow and internal conversations.

7. Teaches the correct use of energy.

8. Cleanses from toxins.

9. Increases positive and independent thinking.

10. Gives calmness and vigor, strengthens the immune system."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At11 July 2019
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