Enter the new year with positive thinking

Enter the new year with positive thinking

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Uzman Psikolog Yıldız Burkovik'in belirttiğine göre, umudun yolu pozitif düşünmekten geçmektedir. Pozitif düşünce, zorlukların üstesinden gelmek ve pes etmemek için hayati önem taşır. Umut, insanları hayatta tutan şeydir ve umutsuzluk ise yorgunluk ve tükenmişliğe yol açar. Pozitif düşünce, olumsuz düşünceleri sabır ve çabayla ortadan kaldırmayı, sürekli denemeyi ve asla pes etmemeyi gerektirir. Geçmiş deneyimlerden ders çıkarılmalı ancak bunların esiri olunmamalıdır. Pozitif düşünceyi yaşam biçimi haline getirmek, umudu beslemek, duyguları ifade etmekten korkmamak ve düşüncelerin duygularla uyumlu olmasını sağlamak önemlidir. Başkalarıyla deneyimleri paylaşmak, birbirini dinlemek ve desteklemek, umudu güçlendirir. Kısacası, pozitif düşünce, umudu yeşertmek, pes etmemek ve yaşamın güzelliklerini görmeye devam etmek anlamına gelir.

A new year is coming. It is very important to renew oneself, set new goals and make new decisions to reach these goals. Stating that positive thinking is important in overcoming difficulties and not giving up in the face of difficulties, experts said, "The key to hope is positive thinking. Keep hope growing inside you. Do not be afraid to experience and express your emotions. Remember that your thoughts are brothers and sisters with your emotions."

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik pointed out that the way to hope and hope that keeps people alive is to think positively.

The way to hope is to think positively

Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "Hope is what keeps people alive. The way to hope is to think positively. To be patient without falling into pessimism, without succumbing to negativity, to try over and over again if necessary, but never to give up."


Fatigue and despair set the stage for burnout

Stating that there are many emotions experienced throughout life, and that the agreement of these emotions and thoughts with each other leads to hope, and the disagreement of these emotions and thoughts leads people to despair, Burkovik continued his words as follows:

"The path of hope is clear and bright. But the path of despair is closed and dark... On the dark road, one cannot see and cannot move forward. Or one walks blindly, but with a bump, perhaps by destroying something. Either by hurting himself or by hurting those around him, by hurting, by hurting. It breaks, it spills and eventually it gets tired. Tiredness and hopelessness paves the way for exhaustion. Tiredness and feeling tired all the time leads to a mood of pessimism, and when pessimism is combined with anxiety, positive thoughts and feelings are lost in the fog.

Someone's light in the fog can guide a person, if their eyes are open... If they are going to continue on their way in the fog, they pay attention to that light and light a light themselves so that another pessimist can see their light and make their own way. Thus, when the lights combine, a stronger image is formed. This light in the darkness is the light of hope.

One only needs to see it once. Then positive thought can enter through the door. Gradually, like sowing crops in a field, positive thoughts begin to be planted and grow with hope. Sometimes there is no rain to make the crop grow. But with the sudden onset of rain, the crops come alive and grow moment by moment. The only thing to do here is to be patient. If we work patiently and hoe the soil, the soil will give us what we want, until we are satisfied and happy."

Patience and effort are important in positive thinking

Stating that staying idle and waiting around without doing anything is never a solution, Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik said, "A positive thinking person does not stop, but strives to think properly and correctly. He adds the right information to himself, he strives for this. He patiently removes wrong, erroneous and distorted thoughts from himself. Sometimes it is not easy to correct distorted thoughts. It is necessary to find the basic thought within the thought. If that thought is always about impossibility, he sees everything as impossible. His mind and heart radiate unhappiness. He looks at life sadly, he feels bewildered, especially if it is an unfamiliar thought. But if a person has maturity in him or her, combined with experience, patience and strength, he or she can take a step in a positive direction. His mind begins to radiate hope and he can erase the traces of pessimism. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that you were once a pessimist. Because forgetting the negative thought can prevent the positive from being embraced. The important thing is to learn from our experiences."

No giving up in positive thinking

"There is hope in positive thinking. There is a point of view that does not say 'I can never do it' or 'no way'," Burkovik said, adding, "The mindset is solution-oriented. It leads the way, opens the way. Even if the roads are closed and never seem to open, one waits patiently and tries again and again, never giving up. Hope, not despair, is nurtured in feelings and thoughts. You too must nurture and grow hope in your thoughts and feelings. You deserve it, you must believe in it. You must never forget what you deserve. You must keep your memory alive and always look forward. Evaluate your past experiences but do not be a prisoner of your past emotions. Learn from them and embroider your future like a needlepoint."

Listen to this advice

Expert Psychologist Yıldız Burkovik listed her suggestions for positive thinking to always exist as follows:

"Keep hope growing inside you.
Delete the word despair from your vocabulary and replace it with hope.
Never stop living, seeing the right and the beautiful, hearing the good.
Make positive thinking your way of life and triumph over life.
Do not be afraid to live and express your feelings.
Remember that your thoughts are brothers and sisters with your emotions.
Do not judge yourself from the point of view of the negative thinker.
Let 'honesty' be your first name and 'trust' your last name.
Share the benefits of your experiences with each other.
Listen to each other with respect and appreciation.
Let hope be what you give to and receive from each other.
When you take each other into your hearts, if you have any negative thoughts, clean them out.
Stand behind what you say, what you believe and extend your hands to each other with love.
Share your mistakes so that they serve as a reminder for you and as information for others not to make them again."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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