Emotions and social skills make learning permanent

Emotions and social skills make learning permanent

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Profesör Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, klasik öğrenmenin yerini, duygu ve sosyal becerilerle kalıcı hale gelen beyin temelli öğrenmenin aldığını belirtmiştir. 21. yüzyıl becerilerinin aktif öğrenme ve deneyimsel öğrenme olduğunu vurgulayan Tarhan, beyin temelli öğrenmenin mevcut eğitim sistemindeki yeniden yapılanmanın da teorik temelini oluşturduğunu ifade etmiştir. Klasik öğrenmede bilginin kalıcı olmadığını, beyin temelli öğrenmede ise disiplini ve eğlenceyi bir arada tutmanın önemini vurgulamıştır. Duyguların eklendiği öğrenmenin kalıcı olduğunu, keşfedici düşünmenin ortaya çıkması gerektiğini ve ideal öğretmenin öğrencileri tarafından sevilen öğretmen olduğunu belirtmiştir. Proje tabanlı öğrenmenin önemine dikkat çeken Tarhan, öğretmenlerin öğrencileri iyi tanımaları ve onları heyecan ve coşkuyla eğitmeleri gerektiğini, eğitimcilerin öğrencilerinin lideri olması gerektiğini ve uzun vadeli bir bakış açısıyla "insan yetiştirmenin" önemini vurgulamıştır.

Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that in the modern world, classical learning, which consists of reading and memorization, has been replaced by brain-based learning, and that learning is permanent with emotions and social skills. Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan underlines that active learning and experiential learning are 21st century skills.

Üsküdar University Founding Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out the importance of brain-based learning by stating that it is permanent.

Stating that brain-based learning also forms the theoretical basis of the restructuring in the current education system, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "Education models all over the world have been working on how the human brain works, especially in the last 20 years. One of these is theories about learning. Learning is not only cognitive, there are also emotional and social learning dimensions. 21st century skills include active learning and learning by experience."

Information is not permanent in classical learning

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan noted that in previous years, students would take the subject, memorize it, explain it and get a grade, and said, "In classical learning, only cognitive learning is mentioned. In this form of learning, the person understands what he reads and explains it, but this learning is not permanent. In ideal learning, on the other hand, one does not learn only with logic. It is learned together with emotions and social skills. This kind of learning is permanent. In this learning, it is aimed to engage every aspect of the person's brain. This is defined as a 21st century skill. Active learning, learning by experience. Learning by experiencing things. Project-oriented learning. In this method, a subject is given. Instead of the individual reading and understanding it, it is aimed to grasp the subject through applications or tests."

Discipline and fun should be together

Noting that it is emphasized that discipline and fun should be together in brain-based learning, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan said, "According to brain-based learning, people learn most efficiently in a disciplined and fun environment. We researched festivals where science and entertainment are together. At that time, there were only in America. We wanted to organize a science festival. We signed a protocol with the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education in 2013 and have been organizing the Science and Ideas Festival ever since. In this festival, young people produce projects. They are evaluated in the same way as TUBITAK. The top three winners are awarded prizes. We provide students with a festival environment where games and concerts are organized and they compete with fun. We want to motivate young people, to enable them to choose a goal and ideal for themselves, to be curious and to learn."

Exploratory thinking should emerge

Noting that today's education system is trying to be structured according to the brain-based learning model, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that the knowledge learned by adding emotions is permanent and said the following:

"Young people should have mental rebellion, mental compulsion because something comes out as a result of this. Exploratory thinking should emerge. The knowledge learned without involving one's emotions is immediately erased like writing on sand. In order for knowledge to be as permanent as if it were written in stone, emotion must be added to it. When emotion is added, the brain does not forget the information. The knowledge learned in exciting work is not forgotten.

The ideal teacher is a teacher loved by his/her students.

If you pay attention, students come to some teachers' classes with love. The ideal teacher is the teacher that students like. In order for the students to love the lesson and the teacher, the teacher must love the students and the lesson. Practical lessons need to be increased. For this, it is important that teachers believe in this. As a society, we are open to change. I believe that the practical application of brain-based learning will be successful. Everyone should do this in their own field.

Raising people for 100 years of existence

We have our undergraduate students carry out projects. In the same way, the project culture should be instilled in high school students. In fact, there is a very good Chinese proverb on this subject; 'If you want one year of wealth, plant wheat, if you want ten years of wealth, plant trees, if you want a hundred years of wealth, raise people.' This is a medium and long term work. But it needs to be done for future generations. It is no longer time to go to China and America and say how do you do it, it is time to take action."

The educator should be the leader of his/her students

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan noted that there are things that teachers should also do in terms of learning and said, "Teachers should ask themselves how they can educate students better. Classroom leadership is important in this regard. The educator should be the leader of his/her students. To know the student well in order to raise the student well. Ideally, counselor teachers are the ideal. They take them from the first grade and graduate them. This teacher knows the student well. The same goes for the family. If the educator does his/her job with enthusiasm and excitement, he/she can get better results. A teacher who is not enthusiastic cannot be successful. An educator should both enjoy his/her work and focus on raising his/her students well. No one who enjoys what they do gets bored with it."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At03 December 2019
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