Emotional gaps make you eat a lot

Emotional gaps make you eat a lot

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Uzmanlar, beyindeki kimyasal etkilerden kaynaklanan bağımlılıkların sadece alkol ve uyuşturucularla sınırlı olmadığını, şeker, tuz, un ve yağ içeren yiyeceklerin beyinde benzer bağımlılık yarattığını belirtiyor. Bu yiyecekler (cips, kurabiye, kek, dondurma, çikolata gibi) beynin ödül merkezini uyararak haz duygusu sağlıyor. Yeme bağımlılığı olan kişiler, tok olduklarında bile belirli yiyecekler için istek duyuyor, yedikten sonra suçluluk hissediyor ve bu yiyecekleri bırakma çabaları başarısız oluyor. Bağımlılık, duygusal sorunlar, zayıflama amacıyla uygulanan kısıtlayıcı diyetler veya televizyon karşısında bilinçsizce tüketim sonucu tetiklenebilir. Tedavi, yeme ataklarının sıklığını azaltmayı, kilo kaybını sağlamayı ve ilgili psikolojik sorunları çözmeyi hedefliyor ve bilişsel davranışçı terapiler, beslenme danışmanlığı ve antidepresanlar/antikonvülsanlar gibi ilaç tedavilerini içeriyor.

The causes of addictions caused by chemical effects on the brain are not limited to alcohol and drugs. Emphasizing that food causes a similar addiction in the brain, experts point out that products containing sugar, salt, flour and fat are among the most addictive foods.

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Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol from Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center made important evaluations about eating addiction.

Addictive factors are not limited to alcohol and drugs!

b Assist. Assoc. Prof. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol said, "Just as the chemical effect of alcohol or substance creates an addiction in the brain, it is thought that some specific foods can create a similar addiction in the brain."

"Addictive foods are often foods high in sugar, salt, flour and fat. Foods such as chips, cookies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate are the most common examples."

Even in satiety, the desire to eat continues

"Consumption of these foods stimulates the 'reward center' in the brain, which is responsible for pleasure intake, and provides a sense of pleasure," Yertutanol said:


"People with eating addiction feel a hunger (craving) for certain foods even when they are full, feel guilty after eating, and their efforts to stop eating these foods often fail. People exceed normal limits in consuming such foods with the desire to enjoy them again after a short period of time, have difficulty controlling this behavior, and are unable to stop their excessive consumption of these foods even though they know that it will have negative consequences for them. People spend most of their time searching for, finding and consuming these foods.

What is consumed in front of the TV can lead to addiction!

The onset of eating addiction can be triggered by the presence of emotional problems. The pleasurable effect of tasty foods is used to cope with the discomfort of emotional problems. Sometimes a person's relationship with food can be disrupted by very restrictive diets for weight loss. Unwittingly consuming such foods in front of the television can also be a trigger for the development of an addiction.

Can eating addiction be treated?

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Fatma Duygu Kaya Yertutanol gave the following information about the treatment methods of eating addiction:

"The aim of treatment is to reduce the frequency of eating attacks, to achieve weight loss and to resolve associated psychological problems. Commonly used methods are cognitive behavioral therapies, nutritional counseling, and pharmacotherapies including atidepressants and/or anticonvulsant drugs. In cognitive behavioral therapies, psychoeducation is provided to help people recognize the disorder. Afterwards, it is aimed to recognize and change dysfunctional thoughts. Behavioral interventions are also used. Drug treatments are planned by the physician according to the accompanying psychiatric illness and the intensity of the symptoms detected during the examination. With nutritional counseling, it is ensured that the person adopts healthy eating behaviors."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At27 May 2019
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