Emotional emptiness can make a child dependent

Emotional emptiness can make a child dependent

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Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, dijital bağımlılığın çocuk ve gençler üzerindeki psikolojik etkilerine dair değerlendirmelerde bulundu. Teknoloji kullanımının özellikle Y ve Z kuşağı arasında yaygın olduğunu, bunun aşırı ve zararlı kullanımları beraberinde getirdiğini belirtti. Dijital medyanın erişimi artırarak faydalı olabileceğini de vurguladı. Bağımlılıkla bağlanma arasında nedensel bir bağlantı olduğunu, bazı kişilerin genetik yatkınlık nedeniyle bağımlı hale gelebileceğini açıkladı. Bağımlılığın, bağlanma enerjisini yönetememe olarak tanımladı. Doğuştan bağlanmaya yatkın olan ve riskli davranış genini taşıyanların bağımlılık nesnelerini aşırı kullandığını, beynin risk altında dopamin salgıladığını ve bu durumun zevk verdiğini ifade etti. Serotonin ve dopamin hormonu seviyesi düşük olan kişilerin stresi azaltmak için dijital dünyaya yöneldiğini belirtti. Dijital dünyayı doğru yöneten kişilerin bağımlı olmayacağını, zaman ve dikkati yönetenlerin kendilerini koruyabileceğini vurguladı. Çocuk ve gençlerin risk grubunda olduğunu, mutsuz veya ailevi sorunları olan çocukların risk altında olduğunu belirtti. Bağımlılığın belirtilerini (aşırı zihinsel çaba, yoksunluk belirtileri, beklenenden uzun süreli kullanım, başarısız bırakma girişimleri, yalan söyleme, okuldan kaçma) sıraladı. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarıyla dijital dünya hakkında konuşmaları, denetim altında tutmaları gerektiğini, 6 yaşından önce bilgisayar başında gözetimsiz bırakılmamaları gerektiğini vurguladı. Okul reddi durumunun bağımlılığın başladığının göstergesi olduğunu belirtti. Ailelerin, çocuklarının ilgisini çekecek yeni alanlar bulmaları gerektiğini ve devletin güvenli internet kullanımına dair bilgilendirme yapmasının gerekliliğini dile getirdi.

Prof. Dr. Tarhan stated that if children and young people are happy, they will not need happiness in the digital world and said, "The child in emotional emptiness turns to virtual addictions."

Üsküdar University Rector Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan made evaluations to AA correspondent regarding the psychological reflections of digital addiction on children and young people.

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Stating that technology is widely used especially among the Y and Z generations and that this situation brings along excessive, bad, dangerous and harmful uses, Tarhan said that on the other hand, digital media is also beneficial as it increases accessibility in society, makes life easier and makes significant contributions to the level of welfare.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that people who have too much contact with the digital world tend to abuse it or carry the harms of its use, and that some people become addicted because they are genetically in the "addiction risk group".

Stating that there is a causal link between addiction and attachment, Tarhan continued as follows:

"Attachment is one of the basic characteristics of human beings as a social being. In the sense of attachment, the person needs to feel belonging to the family and at the same time succeed in being free. Some people cannot do this. They cannot individualize, they cannot make autonomous decisions, they cannot achieve attachment. They turn attachment into addiction. Addiction is actually the inability to manage one's attachment energy. A person is not addicted if they manage their attachment energy. However, he/she enters into a balanced attachment. Attachment is just like nuclear energy. If you use it in the right place, it enlightens, facilitates and energizes your life. If you misuse it, it damages like a bomb. For this reason, the digital world is also like this."
"If the person manages the virtual world correctly, there is no addiction"

Prof. Dr. Tarhan stated that people who are predisposed to attachment from birth and especially those who carry the risky behavior gene have excessive use of addiction objects and said, "The brain releases dopamine during risk. Because it releases dopamine, it gets great pleasure. The more they enjoy it, the more they are interested. They turn attachment into attachment. These are usually people who are fidgety, active, love innovation, are open to experiences, and fall in love easily."

Pointing out that everyone is intertwined with the digital world but addiction is not seen in everyone, Tarhan noted that especially people with low secretion of serotonin and dopamine hormones in the brain are interested in the digital world as a stress reduction method when they are depressed.

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan underlined that if a person manages the virtual world correctly, he will not be addicted and made the following evaluations:

"People who manage their time and attention can protect themselves. Children and young people are not very mature in this regard. Therefore, they constitute the biggest risk group. Attachment is a risk for every young person. If they do it to relax and be happy, like a stress reduction technique, they quickly become addicted. If they get angry with mom and dad, they may do it to get back at them, or in such a situation, they may be under the influence of the caregiver because they cannot manage their emotions. Generally, people who cannot satisfy their sense of happiness are in the risk group. Here we see the weak family and the bad friend. In both groups, they turn attachment into addiction."


Tarhan said that if children become literate in the virtual world, they will be interested in it as much as they need and they can leave it when they don't need it, "This makes his life easier, he can access information and friend groups there, but if he does this passionately and the child's only interest is the digital world, he is in danger. However, if it is not the only interest of the child, if he has friends but also plays with the computer, it means that this child can manage his sense of attachment. In such cases, one should not be afraid."
"If there is school refusal, it means addiction has started"

Prof. Dr. Tarhan stated that parents who can talk to their children about right and wrong about the digital world can keep them under supervision. Underlining that children should not be allowed to sit in front of the computer without parental supervision, especially before the age of 6, Tarhan emphasized that children should learn to use the digital world in a planned way.

Providing information on how families can recognize that their children's digital habits have turned into addiction, Tarhan said:

"(Addiction) has some criteria. If there is excessive mental effort, if he feels bad and goes into crisis when this does not happen, it means that withdrawal symptoms have begun. If the time spent with the addiction is longer than expected, addiction has started. Another characteristic is unsuccessful quit attempts. 'I use too much', 'It's ruining my life', he says, 'I'll quit', he promises. In the evening, he realizes that he has failed to quit again and starts lying about it. If the child starts lying about the internet or computer, it means that the preliminary signs of addiction have started. If he/she neglects his/her studies, is interested in it, refuses to go to school, it means that addiction has started. If all these are present, the parents see the preliminary signs of addiction in the child and it is necessary to immediately find new areas of interest that will attract the child's interest and attention."

Stating that if children and young people are happy, they will not need the digital world, Tarhan said, "Children in families that are generally unhappy or have spousal discord are in the risk group in this regard. Children who love home, who love conversation, if there is sharing in the family, if mom and dad are partners in trouble or if there are older sisters, brothers, siblings who can be partners in trouble, those children can easily fulfill their emotional needs. If a child is in emotional emptiness, they turn to virtual addictions."
Internet, smartphone and television are "the open door of the house"

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that devices such as the internet, smartphones and televisions are called "the open door of the house" and drew attention to the fact that children are left alone with things that are not suitable for their age in the open door in the safe environment of their homes.

Emphasizing that children are exposed to information that is not suitable for their physical development and mental structures, Tarhan said, "From erotic and pornographic materials to violence, death and injury incidents that cannot be perceived by their age... When the child's conceptual and symbolic world is not developed, exposure to this information damages their personality and developing spirit."

Prof. Dr. Tarhan stated that after the families of children, teachers, who are role models for children, also have many duties here, and that everyone should use a common language against children regarding virtual use.

Referring to the state's efforts on safe internet, Tarhan said, "Internet locks and passwords are created on the safe internet. Parents who cannot cope with their children can use this way. There is a need for the state to inform the society on this issue. We should try to make the scientific knowledge in universities available to the society."
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CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 March 2019
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