Children's psychology and couples' relationship deteriorates

Children's psychology and couples' relationship deteriorates

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How did "new media" affect the family?

"New Media and Family" Workshop was held at Üsküdar University. Organized by Üsküdar University and Istanbul Aydın University in partnership with the Ministry of National Education Istanbul Provincial Directorate, 86 experts from different fields such as communication, medicine, forensic sciences, psychiatry, child development, psychology and sociology discussed the relationship between new media and family from all aspects. In the final declaration announced at the end of the workshop, it was pointed out that new media causes attention deficit and behavioral disorders in children and that children are vulnerable to sexual harassment by adults. The declaration also emphasized that new media take advantage of the weakness of emotional bonds between spouses. In the declaration, it was also emphasized that families are not knowledgeable about cyber security, a new road map on cyberbullying is needed and media literacy training should be made widespread.
The "New Media and Family" Workshop was organized at Üsküdar University South Campus in partnership with Üsküdar University, Istanbul Aydın University and the Ministry of National Education Istanbul Provincial Directorate.

The effects of new media should be observed correctly

Speaking at the opening ceremony held at Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall, Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication Dean Prof. Dr. Nazife Güngör said that the new media, which is a new phenomenon in our lives, has developed in a short time and has been rapidly integrated into social tissues and culture. Stating that if a phenomenon has started to be defined as a social and cultural phenomenon, if it has started to take place among the tissues of a society, it will affect social transformation, Güngör noted that universities have an important role in monitoring this process correctly and taking the necessary measures and said, "It is very important to determine the direction of this effect, if you leave the new dynamic that enters the society to itself, we leave uncontrolled what kind of effects that social change will cause. In this case, it means that we are responsible for all kinds of positive or negative processes that will emerge later. The task of universities is to instantly observe the new dynamics that are included in social life, to monitor them instantly and accurately, to monitor them with the right methods and to ensure that these social articulations move forward with a correct synthesis." Prof. Dr. Nazife Güngör said that they will share the opinions and suggestions that will come out of the commission studies to be carried out at the workshop with the relevant institutions with the support of the Directorate of National Education.

Solution proposals will be put forward

Prof. Dr. Hülya Yenğin, Dean of the Faculty of Communication at Istanbul Aydın University, stated that there is a change and transformation in communication and that this situation affects the family, which is the cornerstone of society, and said, "It affects every segment of society, determines the habits of individuals, offers a way of life, and creates a way of life. The family, the cornerstone of society, also likes and uses the new media. New media is settling into family life. In this workshop, the effects of new media will be discussed and the problems it creates will be identified. Solutions will be found, dependency on new media will be discussed. New media and ethics will be discussed, the impact of new media on parent-child communication will be determined. New media and health problems will be examined. In the context of social policies and legal improvements, solutions will be produced for all effects and problems."

We will make the results of the workshop a road map

Levent Yazıcı, Istanbul Provincial Director of National Education, stated that they always support such studies and emphasized the importance of the integration of school, child, student and family as clearly stated in the 2023 vision. Stating that multiple studies in which universities act as multiple catalysts continue intensively in Istanbul, Yazıcı said, "In this context, it is very important to see the special effects of new media on children in a multidimensional way. We are also here to make evaluations together in the development of this process and to draw new road maps for us. I believe that the new knowledge produced by academic circles and the applications that will give direction can only be possible with people who believe in this and who will make efforts. We will make the studies that will come out of here a road map. We will endeavor to include the reflections of the results to be obtained here on new media and family in our own strategic studies. We will also consider this unity in its application dimensions."

The crisis of civilization started in the family

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Rector of Üsküdar University, said that developed countries in the world, especially the West, are experiencing a crisis of civilization, which starts in the family and will affect education. Stating that education is an ecosystem, Tarhan noted that the new vision of education does not consider the system to consist only of teachers and students and that the family is also included in the system.

A social media that slaughters sociality

Tarhan pointed out that a study conducted by the BBC and Manchester University on 55 thousand people around the world revealed very striking results about young people. Tarhan said, "A different situation, loneliness emerges in the young group between the ages of 16-24. This loneliness is accompanied by digital addiction. This means new media. Young people with digital addiction are so focused that they are alone in crowds. These young people have social and psychological isolation. They live in a separate world, a virtual universe. It is called social media, but it is a social media that kills sociality. Why is it killing it? He has dozens of friends, but when someone doesn't 'like' him, that is, doesn't like him, or when he gets angry, he just closes them. However, this is not the case with physical sociality in real life. You have to convince the other person, there is an obligation of social contact. Social media creates a selfish and fake sociability."

Three characteristics of digital addiction

Stating that three characteristics have been identified in digital addiction, Tarhan said, "First, these people have poor self-care. They do not take care of their personal hygiene. They do not eat hot food. Their second characteristic is that they think there is no need for religious, national and ideological affiliations. Their third characteristic is that they see the institution of marriage as unnecessary."
"If the family is strengthened, problems on social media will also improve"

Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan hoped for fruitful results at the workshop and said, "Strengthening the family means that many problems in social media will be corrected. For this, the education system needs to be involved together with universities and our teachers need to believe. Teachers are the ones who also educate parents. Teachers actually give a message to parents."

"New media" was discussed in all aspects

In the sessions titled "New Media and Addiction", "New Media and Parent-Child Relationship", "New Media and Communication between Spouses", "New Media and Health Problems", "New Media and Ethics" and "Social Policies and Legal Improvements", 86 experts from various fields such as communication, medicine, forensic sciences, psychiatry, child development, psychology and sociology came together.

At the end of the workshop, the group spokespersons shared their findings, opinions and suggestions for solutions. Accordingly, the findings and recommendations of the groups were as follows:

"New Media and Addiction"

Findings: There are problems in defining basic field-specific concepts such as addiction, connectedness and social media. Lack of standardization of criteria for determining types of addiction such as social media, mobile, digital games. Inadequate theoretical and practical knowledge of parents on the correct use of information technologies and addiction. The insufficiency of educators in the conscious and safe use of current information technologies. The fact that the curricula in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education are not integrated with current information technologies. Media Literacy and Information Technologies courses are not taught by experts in the field.

Suggestions Scale development studies should be supported in various academic and private sector institutions in order to define the basic concepts and criteria, and it should be made easier to apply them to large masses. Training should be provided in parenting schools to be established on the eve of marriage. Families should observe their children well and guide them according to their abilities. Instead of banning, family members should do a digital detox together and spend more time together. Bringing the issue to the agenda in parent-class meetings and reaching out to families through social media. Updating the curricula of the Faculty of Education and updating the curricula of the Department of New Media. Directing the lessons with current methods and digital tools other than traditional teaching methods and tools. Universities, technical officers, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, associations working on addiction, provincial health directorates, mufti offices, social aid associations should carry out joint studies.

"New Media and Ethics"

Findings: Everyone, including children, has become content producers. This has made media literacy even more important. There is a serious exploitation of digital labor, as well as the unverified dissemination of all kinds of false information/news through new media. There is a lot of brand advertising, violence, sexuality and sexism in digital games. There are serious violations of privacy and hate speech in new media.

Recommendations Media literacy should be popularized. Media Literacy courses should be made compulsory and taught by graduates of the Faculty of Communication. Media Literacy training should be provided to families and religious officials. Work should be done on copyrights. Verification mechanisms should be established. Ethical principles should be developed. The Advertising Self-Audit Board should conduct a study. A Social Media Ethics Council should be established to address privacy violations on social media. Media self-regulatory bodies should be established to address ethical violations in journalism. Legal work should be done to define and prevent hate speech. At the same time, recommendations should be developed to eliminate hate speech within ethical principles. The Board of Education, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, the Advertising Board of the Ministry of Industry, the Advertising Self-Audit Board, the Social Media Ethics Council, and journalism professional organizations should work together.

"New Media and Parent-Child Relations"

Findings: Children suffer from attention deficit, behavioral disorders and anxiety problems. Many children want to become Youtubers or gamers instead of going to school. Research has shown that the number of students who experience cyberbullying and say they will share it is very low. Children post sexual photos of themselves and receive sexual photos from others. Children are vulnerable to sexual harassment by adults.
Recommendations Parents should be informed about the issue. They should have positive parenting skills. Parenting trainings should be made widespread. These trainings should be provided by trained educators. In addition to raising awareness of parents, teachers should also raise awareness. Schools should raise awareness of parents through guidance services and invite guests. Preventive activities should be carried out in schools in a sustainable manner to protect against online risks. In addition to preventive activities, intervention should also be carried out. There should be a road map in cases of cyberbullying. Alternative content should be produced. Additional measures are needed.

"New Media and Communication between Spouses"

Findings: New media exploits the weakness of emotional bonds between spouses. Use of new media to conceal identity. Economic difficulties make it difficult for people to engage in social activities and direct them to new media channels.

Suggestions Digital Media Literacy trainings should be organized. These trainings should start in kindergarten and continue in social life. It is necessary to strengthen the emotional bonds between spouses in the family and improve the interaction between the family. For this, courses and trainings should be organized before and during marriage. The Ministry of Family and Social Policies, universities and non-governmental organizations should carry out joint studies.

"New Media and Health Problems"

Findings: Lack of socialization, fragmentation of social life. New media increases psychological and mental problems. Increasing physical health problems. Augmented virtual reality applications may lead to future health problems. Lack of importance given to the privacy of patients and healthcare professionals in healthcare services.
Suggestions Encouraging family members to spend time together. Providing all-round trainings and seminars on communication within the family. Sanctions should be increased in patient and employee rights regulations. The Ministry of Family and Social Policies, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Education, universities and non-governmental organizations should work together.

"Social Policies and Legal Improvements"

Findings: There is a lack of qualified personnel to take part in the Security Directorate and legal processes. Families are not aware of cyber security. Awareness raising should be done to raise awareness among children about the use and dangers of social media. Legislation on substantive law is unclear and disorganized, processes are slow and it is difficult to illuminate victimization and crime. Legal regulations on child protection in the media are insufficient. In terms of guidance and psychological counseling, the Ministry of National Education should include topics such as the effects of the media and cyberbullying in its curriculum in terms of policy.

Suggestions Master's degree and certificate programs should be opened at universities for qualified personnel. Awareness-raising and awareness-raising activities should be carried out on Basic Family Education. Families and children should be sensitized about cyberbullying. The first step should be taken at school. The time children spend in front of the computer should be monitored. Parents should inform their children about which sites to visit and set rules. They should warn them not to communicate with people they do not know and inform them about sharing personal information. The Ministry of National Education, relevant ministries, universities and non-governmental organizations should carry out joint studies.
Many experts in their fields met at this workshop

The workshop, organized by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Communication, Ministry of National Education Istanbul Provincial Directorate, IAU Social Research Application and Research Center (TARMER), IAU New Media Application and Research Center, UU Human Oriented Communication Center (İLİMER) and UU Strategic Research and Development Club (ÜSAK), brought together many experts in their fields to monitor and evaluate the effects of the new media concept on social and cultural life.

They shared their views and exchanged ideas

Prof. Dr. Süleyman İrvan, Head of Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Department of New Media and Journalism, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serhat Özekes, faculty member of Üsküdar Üsküdar University Computer Engineering Department, Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Department of New Media and Journalism, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin Tutgun Ünal, Üsküdar University Institute of Addiction and Forensic Sciences Prof. Dr. Zekai Genç, Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Dr. Cemal Onur Noyan from NPISTANBUL Hospital, Psychiatry Specialist Assoc. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel Sarı Gökten, Spc. Klnk. Psk. Prof. Dr. Ömer Özyılmaz, Lecturer at the Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Faculty of Education, Istanbul Aydın University; Prof. Dr. Cebrail Kısa, Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Istanbul Aydın University; Prof. Dr. Ali Büyükaslan, Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Medipol University; Dr. Ayten Övür, Lecturer at the Department of New Media and Communication, Faculty of Communication, Istanbul Aydın University. Prof. Dr. Ayten Övür, Head of the Department of Child Development, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Aydın University. Prof. Dr. Şahide Güliz Kolburan, Marmara University Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism, Prof. Dr. Cem Sefa Sütçü, Trakya University Faculty Member of ITET. Prof. Dr. Nilgün Tosun, Marmara University Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Kırık and many other experts in their fields discussed the relationship between new media and family from various angles.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At28 March 2019
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