Children should be taught constructive problem solving methods

Children should be taught constructive problem solving methods

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Çocuklarda problem çözme becerilerinin gelişiminin, çocuğun fiziksel, bilişsel, sosyal ve davranışsal gelişimine uygun olarak, yaşa uygun bir şekilde yapılması gerektiğini belirten uzmanlar, problem çözmeye başlayan çocuğun öz algısının da gelişmeye başladığını ve yıkıcı yollar yerine yapıcı yollarla çözümlere ulaşmayı öğretmenin önemli olduğunu söylüyor. Her yaşın farklı problemleri olduğunu, problem çözme davranışının erken yaşlarda başladığını ve çocuğun bireyselleşmesiyle, yani kendi başına hareket etme yeteneğiyle başladığını vurguluyor. Okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların somut kavramlar, uygulamalı ve oyunlu davranışlar aracılığıyla davranışsal ve problem çözme becerileri kazanabileceklerini belirten uzman, problem çözmenin yaratıcı düşünme sürecini tetiklediğini, çocuğun kendini, isteklerini ve taleplerini daha iyi tanımasını sağladığını ifade ediyor. Problem çözme becerilerinin, uzmanlar tarafından yapılandırılmış etkinlikler yoluyla geliştirileceğini, ebeveynlerin çocukla yapılandırılmış veya yarı yapılandırılmış etkinlikler yaparak çocuğun duygu, düşünce ve davranış üçlüsünü tanımalarına yardımcı olacağını ve problem çözme sürecinde yapıcı yolları tercih etmenin önemini vurguluyor. Ebeveynlere, çocuklarla sorunları tartışarak, çocukların kendi tanımlarını yapmalarına olanak tanıyarak ve günlük yaşam becerilerine uygun, oyun tabanlı ve yaratıcı düşünmeyi güçlendirecek etkinlikler kullanarak problem çözme becerilerini desteklemeleri tavsiye ediliyor.

Seda Aydoğdu, Clinical Psychologist at Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center, shared important information about developing problem solving skills in children.

Stating that problem-solving skills should be developed in accordance with the child's physical, cognitive, social and behavioral development, experts recommend that this should be done in an age-appropriate manner. Stating that the self-perception of the child who starts to solve problems also starts to develop, experts say that it is important to teach them to reach solutions through constructive ways instead of destructive ways.

Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu shared important information about the development of problem-solving skills in children.

Every age has different problems

Seda Aydoğdu stated that unwanted or unexpected situations that arise during the orientation from one event or situation to another event or situation are defined as problems and said, "Problems are frequently encountered both in our daily lives and in academic life. While it is a problem for a child who cannot get a toy because it is out of reach, math questions waiting to be solved are also a problem. Every age, every cognitive level has its own problems. As we overcome the problems, we continue our development and transition to the next step."

The child's problem solving skills should be developed

Seda Aydoğdu stated that problem-solving behavior in children starts at a very young age, and that this feature starts with the child's individualization, that is, with the ability to act on their own.

Stating that problems arise differently for each period, Seda Aydoğdu said, "The problems faced by the child who starts to explore his environment may be limited to his own life skills. It includes behavioral patterns such as reaching the bottle and drinking water, stepping on the sidewalk and stepping out. Since children in the preschool period do not yet have abstract thinking skills, they can gain behavioral and problem-solving skills through concrete concepts, hands-on and playful behavior. Problem solving skills should be developed in accordance with the child's physical, cognitive, social and behavioral development."

Self-perception develops through problem solving

Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu reminded that the self-perception of the child who starts to solve the problems he/she encounters while playing games in early childhood also starts to develop, and emphasized that it will be seen in the future that determining alternatives and developing strategies for solutions are strong investments in academic success.

Problem solving triggers the creative thinking process

Seda Aydoğdu also stated that within the framework of the problems encountered, the child begins to recognize himself/herself, his/her wishes and demands much better:
"Faced with a problem, the child forms strategies about what he/she can do to solve the problem, in which ways he/she can solve it, and creative thinking processes begin to be triggered. In addition, the child learns to listen to the other side in the solution of the problem, to compare the wishes and demands of others with their own wishes and demands, and to create solution strategies in this way. They also learn to look at events or problems from the outside in the process."

Problem solving is taught through structured activities

Seda Aydoğdu stated that problem solving skills will start to develop in the preschool period when the child recognizes the problems faced by the child, creates solution strategies and chooses the best one for himself/herself and starts to implement it through structured activities by experts, and emphasized that structured or semi-structured activities with the child by primary caregivers will enable adults to recognize the triad of emotions, thoughts and behaviors of the child.

Seda Aydoğdu said: "This way, parents' bonds with their children are strengthened. As the child struggles to solve the problem, while the parents watch them, they can master the child's cognitive processes and speed up the process or make it more practical. The most important point we always emphasize in problem solving skills is to reach a solution through constructive ways instead of destructive ways."

Parents, listen to this advice

Clinical Psychologist Seda Aydoğdu stated that when preschool children face a problem, the family should communicate with the child while the problem is fresh and listed her recommendations as follows:

- How the problem arises, how it is defined and perceived, and how it can be solved should be discussed. The child's feelings and thoughts should be included in this conversation, and the child should be given the opportunity to speak about the problem.

- After the family defines the problem for the child, the child should make his/her own definition. In essence, the family should be a role model for the preschool child. In the future, when the child encounters the problem again, he/she will have experiences that he/she can think about and take as an example.

- If the child attends a preschool education institution, it is important that the activities created in the classroom are applicable in the external environment. Since problem solving skill is also a mental activity, it can develop equally with the activities that support mental development.

- In order to improve problem solving behavior in children, the basis of the activities to be done must first be developed in accordance with daily life skills. The content must be play-based and structured in a way to reinforce creative thinking. Activities should be balanced and go from simple to complex.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 January 2021
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