2020 passed in the shadow of the pandemic

2020 passed in the shadow of the pandemic

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2020'deki pandemi, çocukların sosyalleşme süreçlerini olumsuz etkileyerek arkadaşlarından uzak kalmalarına ve artan ekran başında zaman geçirmelerine ve yeme bozukluklarına yol açtı. Okul öncesi çocuklar ebeveynlerinin ruh halinden daha fazla etkilendi ve var olan zihinsel rahatsızlıkları olan çocuklar daha zor zaman geçirdi. Uzaktan eğitimin dikkat eksikliği, hiperaktivite bozukluğu veya özel öğrenme güçlüğü olan çocuklara yeterli fayda sağlamadığı gözlemlendi. Pandemi, esneklik ve ruhsal direncin önemini ortaya çıkardı; sosyal destek ve iletişimin önemi vurgulandı. 2021 için ebeveynlere, çocuklarıyla daha fazla zaman geçirmek, dinlemek, birlikte aktivite yapmak, düzenli bir ev ortamı sağlamak, yeterli uyku ve sınırlı ekran süresi sağlamak önerildi. Çocuklarında sorun yaşayan ebeveynlerin çocuk psikiyatri uzmanından destek almaları gerektiği belirtildi.

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Child Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel made important recommendations for 2021, just days before the new year.

2020, which we spent under difficult conditions due to the pandemic, was a year of different experiences for children. Stating that children stayed away from their friends due to the interruption of face-to-face education and this situation affected their socialization processes, experts point out that during the pandemic process, an increase in screen viewing processes and eating disorders were seen the most. Experts emphasize that the pandemic process is also effective in understanding the importance of mental resilience and flexibility.

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Child Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel made important recommendations for 2021, just days before the new year.
Stating that 2020, which we are preparing to leave behind, was difficult in our country as well as all over the world due to the pandemic, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said that children were also negatively affected by this period.

They stayed away from socialization

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel pointed out that children were especially far away from socialization and said, "It has been a difficult year for children. They were especially affected by the transition of schools to face-to-face education. First of all, their contact with their friends decreased, they stayed away from socialization in the school environment. They had difficulty paying attention in distance education. This period caused social isolation for both the child and the family, and children were not only away from their friends but also from their relatives. In addition, if there was a loss, this also had an impact on children. There were children who lost their loved ones and relatives before they could say goodbye."

They spent more time with their families

Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "One of the most positive aspects for children was that they had more time to share with their families. However, this situation also led to an increase in conflicts for some families."

Each child was affected differently

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel stated that the effects of children in this period differ according to their age periods and noted that children with underlying mental disorders are more affected during this period. Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said the following:

"Preschool children were more affected by the mental state of their parents. Especially children with underlying mental disorders were more affected during the pandemic period. For example, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or special learning disabilities could not benefit from distance education as much as their peers. Difficulties in maintaining attention, more screen exposure, more distractions at home, difficulties in implementing school discipline in the home environment, and less contact with the teacher may be among the reasons for this.

Increase in eating disorders

Children who previously suffered from depression or anxiety disorders may have experienced an increase in their complaints due to social isolation. We also saw an increase in eating disorders. Children with emotional eating needs changed their eating habits due to the stressful environment they were in. Children's sleep habits changed. Their screen time increased. This posed a problem for children prone to internet addiction."

The importance of mental resilience and flexibility was understood

Stating that the importance of the concept called mental resilience was understood during the pandemic process, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "Resilience is the capacity to stretch, be resilient and cope with the situation in the face of difficult situations. We have seen that people, whether children or adults, who adapt to innovations more easily, who can create new routines by transforming their conditions in stressful environments, cope with the pandemic more easily. There may not always be a pandemic, but children will be exposed to many stressful events over time. Therefore, it is important to raise children as resilient individuals."

The value of social support is understood

Pointing out that the importance of communication, sharing and social support was remembered, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "People experienced that negative moods decreased when they shared with their relatives and increased when social support was felt less."

Parents should spend more time with their children

"To be able to continue life no matter what, to produce, to do your best, to strive are the pursuits that give meaning to life," Yüksel said, adding, "In 2021, parents who take precautions, know their responsibilities, strive and strive despite adverse conditions will be good role models for their children. Parents should appreciate the time they spend with their children, listen to them, and do activities together. It is necessary to have an order at home, to ensure that children's sleep habits are age-appropriate, even if the education is remote, and to take care to keep screen time at a limit that will not disrupt their mental health."

Consult a specialist for problems experienced

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "If parents think that their children are affected by this process, they should seek support from a child psychiatry specialist without wasting time. We have witnessed that treatments were disrupted during the pandemic period. Disruption of treatments can cause problems to become chronic and more difficult to find solutions in the future," she warned.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At29 December 2020
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