Vaginismus Treatment

Vaginismus Treatment

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Vaginismus tedavisi, vajinanın birleşmesini engelleyen ve ağrıya neden olan fiziksel problemlerin olup olmadığının belirlenmesiyle başlar. Tedavi, vajina girişini kontrol eden kasların şartlanmış tepkisini ortadan kaldırmaya dayanır; ancak bu, vaginismuslu kadınların cinsel ilişki veya genital organlardan fobisi veya korkusu olmasıyla karmaşıklaşır. Tedavi, bu korkuların ve olumsuz duyguların (korku, suçluluk, travmatik cinsel saldırılar gibi) ele alınmasını ve ardından desensitizasyon aşamasını içerir. Cinsel eğitim, anatomi-fizyoloji bilgisi, cinsellik hakkındaki yanlış inançların düzeltilmesi (özellikle ilk geceyle ilgili mitler) ve düzenli tedavi planına uyum terapinin önemli parçalarıdır. Çift terapisi de önemlidir ve hem kadın hem de partnerinin katılımını gerektirir. Yaklaşık her üç kişiden birinin yaşamında en az bir cinsel işlev bozukluğu yaşadığı göz önünde bulundurulursa, vaginismus tedavisinin uzmanlar tarafından yapılması ve kapsamlı bir yaklaşım benimsenmesi gerekir. Tedavinin başarı oranı yüksektir.

Vaginismus treatment starts with distinguishing whether there are physical problems that will prevent the female sexual organ from uniting and make it painful.

Numerous studies reveal that approximately one out of every three people has experienced at least one sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives. The response to treatment is close to perfect.

Vaginismus Treatment

  • Skin infections (eczema, herpes infections etc.),
  • Urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis, pelvic infections, etc.), some medications, e.g. antibiotics can cause fungal infections, antiallergic drugs can make sexual intercourse painful by causing genital dryness.s), some medications, for example; antibiotics can cause fungal infection, antiallergic drugs can make sexual intercourse painful by causing genital dryness.

The cause of vaginismus is the conditioned reactivity of the muscles that control the entrance to the female genitalia. The treatment plan is based on extinguishing this conditioned reactivity. What complicates this extremely simple treatment plan is that women with vaginismus also have phobias or fears of sexual intercourse or genitals. Vaginismus treatment should be performed by a specialist.

Support, encouragement and trust are therefore important between couples. It is necessary to intervene in these areas by including the partner in the therapies. Painful emotions such as conscious or unconscious fear and guilt, traumatic sexual assaults have been associated with the emergence and persistence of vaginismus.

Therefore, these emotions and traumatic experiences, if any, should be addressed in therapy during vaginismus treatment. Desensitization begins after the woman's phobia, fear and avoidance of vaginal entry are eliminated and her conflicting feelings towards sexual intercourse are adequately resolved.

As Zildberg says, "sexuality is not between our legs but between our ears". . The treatment of any disorder in sexual functioning should start from there. In other words, sexual education, teaching sexual anatomy-physiology, myths about sexuality, i.e.: the beliefs that people think are true about sexual issues, often exaggerated, false, unscientific beliefs (especially myths about the first night in women with vaginismus) are among the most important parts of the therapy. Vaginismus treatment should be planned and implemented periodically and regularly.

Couple therapies are also very important in vaginismus treatment. The person receiving vaginismus treatment should be treated in every aspect and should act in accordance with the treatment plan. In this way, the treatment will progress healthier and safer.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At04 November 2022
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