TMU Therapy

TMU Therapy

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TMU terapisi, beyindeki hücrelerin elektriksel ifadesine müdahale eden, elektrik akımı kullanmayan bir tedavi yöntemidir. Beyindeki hareketsiz sinir hücrelerini (nöronları) aktive etmek için geliştirilmiştir ve özellikle depresyonun yanı sıra diğer psikiyatrik hastalıklarda da kullanılan etkili bir tedavi yöntemidir. Yetişkin ve çocuk-ergen psikiyatrisinde tercih edilir ve beynin belirli bir bölgesine uygulanır. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) benzeri bir manyetik yoğunluk kullanır ancak zararlı değildir. Elektrokonvülsif tedavi (EKT) ile karıştırılmamalıdır; EKT'de beyne elektrik akımı verilirken, TMU'da verilmez. İlaç kullanmayan veya ilaca yanıt vermeyen hastalarda kullanılır ve depresyon, OKB, dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB), demans, epilepsi gibi birçok psikiyatrik ve nörolojik hastalığın tedavisinde kullanılır. Tedavi, kafa derisine yerleştirilen bir elektromanyetik bobinle, belirli bir beyin bölgesine tekrarlayan manyetik dalgalar göndererek yapılır, yaklaşık 20 dakika sürer ve 4-6 hafta boyunca uygulanır. Ağrısızdır ve hafif baş ağrısı dışında önemli yan etkisi yoktur. Tedavi sonrası günlük yaşam aktivitelerine devam edilebilir. Uzmanlar tarafından iyileşmeyi hızlandıran etkili bir tedavi olarak tercih edilir.

TMU therapy is a treatment called transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

What is TMU Therapy?

TMU therapy is a treatment without the use of electric current. TMU therapy can be explained as an intervention in the electrical expression of cells in the brain. It is a treatment developed to activate the stagnant nerve cells of the brain called neurons. The use of TMU therapy in depression is very common and effective, it is a treatment that can be applied not only in depression but also in other psychiatric diseases. It is preferred in adult psychiatry and child-adolescent psychiatry. It is applied to a specific region of the brain. The magnetic intensity applied in TMU treatment is similar to MRI. However, the magnetic field used in TMU treatment does not cause any harm. TMU treatment can be confused with ECT treatment. However, while electric current is given to the brain in ECT treatment, no electric current is given in TMU treatment. TMU treatment is applied to the patient in cases where the patient does not use medication or no longer reacts to the medication and the medication is not effective. It is used in the treatment of many psychiatric and neurological diseases such as OCD, attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD), dementia, epilepsy, especially depression.

How is TMU Treatment Applied?

TMU treatment is an outpatient treatment. TMU involves placing an electromagnetic coil on the scalp, creating a magnetic field through the coil and sending repetitive magnetic waves to a specific area of the brain. The patient does not feel any pain during the treatment. It is very important that these waves are delivered to the part of the brain that needs to be stimulated. TMU treatment takes about 20 minutes. TMU treatment is applied for a period of 4 or 6 weeks. The session and the duration of the treatment is determined by the specialist and varies for each patient. No preliminary preparation is required for TMU treatment, only clean hair is required. TMU treatment has no significant side effects other than mild headache. After the treatment, the patient can continue to do their daily activities. TMU treatment is preferred by experts in treatments because it accelerates healing and is very effective in the treatment of diseases.

In Which Diseases Is TMU Treatment Applied?

  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attack
  • Addictions
  • Forgetfulness
  • Tinnitus
  • Chronic pain
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Rehabilitation after stroke
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Creator: NP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At: 23 January 2025
Created At: 25 October 2022
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