The cure for jealousy, open and honest relationship

The cure for jealousy, open and honest relationship

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Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü ve Psikiyatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'ın sunduğu "Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'la Duygu Okulu" programının ilk bölümünde kıskançlık ele alındı. Prof. Dr. Tarhan, kıskançlığın öfke gibi doğal bir duygu olduğunu, ancak ölçülü şekilde ilişkilere ivme kazandırdığını belirtti. Kıskançlığın en büyük çaresinin açık ve dürüst bir ilişki olduğunu vurgulayan Tarhan, dijitalleşmeyle kıskançlığın sanal ve küreselleştiğini, güven kaybının korkuyu, korkunun da sevginin etkisini azalttığını ifade etti. Programda, bireyler ve çiftler arası iletişimden çatışmalara kadar günlük hayattan konular ele alınırken, tiyatro oyuncusu İlker Elibol yönetimindeki eğlence mühendisleri skeçlerle programa katkıda bulundu. Program, her Pazar 11:10'da Habertürk TV'de yayınlanıyor.

Üsküdar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, the first of the "School of Emotion with Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan" program broadcast on Habertürk TV screens was watched with appreciation. In the program where the subject of jealousy was discussed, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan stated that jealousy is a natural emotion like anger and said, "The biggest cure for jealousy is an open and honest relationship." The program, where all the curious topics about psychiatry and psychology are discussed, meets its audience every Sunday at 11:10 on Habertürk TV.

Üsküdar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan met with his audience with a new television program called "Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan'la Emotion School".
In the first part of the program, which was prepared with the support of Üsküdar University and NPISTANBUL Hospital and under the consultancy of psychiatrist Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar, the subject of jealousy was discussed in all aspects. The first part of the program was highly appreciated.


The cure for jealousy is not me, but you

Comparing jealousy to nuclear energy, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that measured jealousy acts as a locomotive in relationships. Prof. Dr. Tarhan said, "Jealousy is something that adds color to marriage. Jealousy saves marriage from monotony. It is not realistic to say that there should be no jealousy in a relationship. The biggest cure for jealousy is an open and honest relationship. In a relationship where there is lying, there is a loss of trust. Where trust decreases, fear increases. And where fear increases, love starts to lose its effect. The cure for jealousy is not you language, but I language."


Jealousy has become virtual, globalized

Stating that jealousy has taken a different form after the digital transformation in the world, Prof. Tarhan said, "Jealousy has become more virtual and globalized. Jealousy is actually a universal emotion. If a person says they are not jealous, they are lying. Jealousy is a natural emotion like anger and we all have it. This emotion protects us and if we manage it well, it actually turns into an asset. Jealousy is like nuclear energy, just as nuclear energy illuminates if it is used in a good way, it creates a bomb effect if it is used in a bad way."

Topics from life are addressed

In the program, which includes different topics that we encounter every day in life, from communication between individuals and couples to conflicts, Entertainment Engineers under the leadership of theater actor İlker Elibol also contribute with their skits.

The program "School of Emotion with Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan", which was filmed at Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication Studios, is broadcast on Habertürk TV screens between 11:10-11:55 on Sundays.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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