Leisure activities develop problem solving skills

Leisure activities develop problem solving skills

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Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi Klinik Psikolog Uzmanı Ayşe Şahin, 22 Ocak'ta başlayacak üç haftalık yarıyıl tatilinin çocukların gelişimine olan katkısını vurguladı. Şahin, ailelerin çocuklarıyla birlikte zaman geçirmelerini, çocukların ilgi ve yeteneklerini dikkate alarak kültürel, sportif, sanatsal ve eğlenceli aktiviteler planlamalarını tavsiye etti. Spor, film izlemek, resim yapmak, el işi yapmak gibi aktivitelerin hem fiziksel hem de zihinsel gelişimi desteklediğini, özgüveni artırdığını ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirdiğini belirtti. Boş zamanın verimli kullanılmasının, mutlu, kendine güvenen ve sorunlarla başa çıkabilen bireyler yetişmesine katkıda bulunduğunu, akademik başarı odaklı toplum yapısının aksine, çocukların kişisel gelişimine de önem verilmesi gerektiğini ekledi.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ayşe Şahin made evaluations regarding the three-week half-year break that will start on January 22, 2021 and shared her advice with families.

The three-week half-year break, which starts on January 22nd, will provide families with a good opportunity to make use of their children's free time together. Experts advise parents to do joint activities with their children during the break, saying, "Leisure time activities help children to relax psychologically. Therefore, individuals who are happy, have a strong personality, are at peace with themselves and can cope with their problems grow up."

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ayşe Şahin made evaluations regarding the three-week half-year break that will start on January 22, 2021 and shared her recommendations with families.

Stating that children learn most behaviors and attitudes from adults, Clinical Psychologist Ayşe Şahin said that the first place where the child acquires leisure behavior is the family environment.

The interests of the child should be determined

Ayşe Şahin noted that since academic success and having a prestigious profession in the future are considered very important in Turkish society, children may spend years being conditioned to be only academically successful with the guidance of parents and schools:

"The culture of the society in which children and young people live determines their life style. Therefore, it will also determine their attitudes and behaviors regarding the use of their free time. Although the culture of the society directs us otherwise, increasing the productivity of children is an extremely important and even social issue. Because productive individuals are happy individuals and only happy individuals can create a happy society. For this reason, children should be sensitive to their interests and talents, and their self-expression and creativity skills should be taken into account in addition to academic success."

Time should be allocated for activities together

Defining leisure time as "activities that children do to gain pleasure and satisfaction outside of academic hours such as lessons and homework", Specialist Clinical Psychologist Ayşe Şahin categorized them as cultural, sportive, artistic, recreational and entertainment activities.

Sports can be done, movies can be watched

During this three-week long break, Ayşe Şahin advised parents to do activities they can do together with their children: "Physically, it can be doing sports, going for walks. In the artistic field, activities such as painting, taking photos, watching movies can be planned. Handicrafts such as wood painting, marbling and gardening can be done. For intellectual development, activities such as reading books, listening to conferences, group games in which the whole family participates are very beneficial for children."

Activity is important for personality development

Reminding that people get rid of the boredom of daily life and enjoy life thanks to the activities they engage in during their free time, Ayşe Şahin warned that children who cannot make good use of their free time will lack personality development and will not be able to acquire knowledge, manners and worldview outside of academic life.

Leisure time activities develop problem solving skills

Stating that leisure time activities will contribute to the physical and mental development of children, give the child a sense of self-confidence, increase creativity and contribute to self-realization, Şahin concluded his words as follows:

"Leisure time activities, as can be understood from their characteristics, help children to relax psychologically. Therefore, individuals who are happy, have a strong personality, are at peace with themselves and can cope with their problems grow up. Thanks to the social skills and experiences they gain through leisure time activities, children develop problem-solving skills, learn not to be helpless and find new solutions to the problems and obstacles that arise in their lives. I wish that this half-year break will be spent with leisure time activities that are very beneficial for children's personality development and mental health."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 January 2021
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