Happiness is exhausted, do we enjoy unhappiness?

Happiness is exhausted, do we enjoy unhappiness?

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Uzm. Klinik Psikolog Aziz Görkem Çetin, sürekli olumsuz düşünen insanların mutluluğu daha hızlı tükettiğini belirterek, bu durumun hedonistik bir yaklaşımla bağlantılı olabileceğini açıklıyor. Mutluluktan haz alan kişilerin, bu hazzı elde etmek için bilinçsizce olumsuz duygular, düşünceler ve davranışlar geliştirebileceğini belirtiyor. Çetin, bu olumsuzluğun, ülke koşulları, kariyer seçimleri ve gelecek kaygıları gibi faktörlerden kaynaklanabileceğini, ancak çözümün dış etkenleri beklemek yerine, kişinin kendi ihtiyaçlarını ve düşüncelerini fark etmesiyle başladığını vurguluyor. İş yerindeki mutsuzluktan örnek vererek, sürekli dış faktörlere atıfta bulunanların kısır döngüye girdiğini ve duygusal atıfların stresi artırdığını, bu durumun ise değişimi zorlaştırdığını ve depresyona yol açabileceğini ifade ediyor. Sonuç olarak, kişinin kendi kendini fark etmesi ve gerçekçi ihtiyaçlarını anlamasının, olumsuz dış faktörlerin etkisini azaltarak değişimi başlatacağını savunuyor.

Many people look at things from the negative side. Stating that individuals who live their lives in this way consume the things that make them happy faster, Uzm. Clinical Psychologist Aziz Görkem Çetin said, "If we enjoy happiness, we may have brought unhappiness to a point where we will enjoy it," and pointed out that people can often develop unhealthy feelings, thoughts and behaviors without realizing it in order to access their spiritual needs.


Specialized from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital. Clinical Psychologist Aziz Görkem Çetin made important evaluations about people who constantly look at things from the negative side.

"We may have brought unhappiness to a point where we will feel pleasure"

"We observe from our environment that many people have a very high perception of negativity. They look at every moment and every event from the unhappy side. When we look at these individuals, they consume happiness-specific experiences and objects much faster." Clinical Psychologist Aziz Görkem Çetin,

"Perhaps the reason for this can be explained by being a hedonistic individual. If we find pleasure in happiness, we may have brought unhappiness to a point where we find pleasure. People have certain spiritual needs in their inner worlds, and in order to reach these spiritual needs, they can often develop unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviors without realizing it. In this context, we can say that unhappy people are also likely to be in this cycle."

Change starts from thought

Aziz Görkem Çetin said, "When we consider the issue through concrete needs, factors such as the conditions of our country, career choices, traffic, future concerns make us react unhappily in every field." Stating that more opportunities should be given to the quality of social life in order to cope with these factors, he continued his words as follows:

"Individuals who are constantly unhappy and cannot change this tend to completely externalize the problematic in their lives. They become more unhappy by waiting for external factors to change. However, human psychological functioning is in the order of thought, emotion and behavior. If the individual first realizes his/her own self and makes sense of his/her realistic needs, change begins and the negative effects of external factors diminish.

A person who is constantly unhappy at work is experiencing a vicious circle

In order not to misunderstand this sentence, I would like to explain it with an example. An individual who is constantly unhappy at work and thinks that this is entirely due to external factors gets into an impasse and makes intense attributions to the workplace. These intense attributions make him/her perceptually more unhappy and he/she experiences a vicious circle by not being able to tolerate many things. However, stressors are real and sometimes we experience unhappiness at work."

Emotional attributions call for stress

Specialized from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital. Aziz Görkem Çetin, Clinical Psychologist at Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital, said, "The point that drives the event into a vicious circle is that we make intense intellectual and emotional attributions" and concluded his words as follows:

"This cycle makes change difficult and causes the person to feel depressed. Although we have evaluated this through the person's self, it is one of the situations that we do not want in our country that workplaces are far from strategies for motivating the individual and problem solving."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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