Children of the Digital Age, Generation Alpha

Children of the Digital Age, Generation Alpha

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Profesör Doktor Nevzat Tarhan'ın değerlendirmesine göre, 2010 sonrası doğan Alfa kuşağı, girişimci, bencil, uyumlu, konfora düşkün, aceleci ve öz odaklı özellikleriyle öne çıkıyor. Sosyal etkileşim yerine otonom robotlarla arkadaşlık kuracakları tahmin ediliyor; bu robotlar ucuz ve yaygınlaşacak, bireylerin isteklerine göre şekillenecek ve yalnızlık duygusunu giderecek. Bu durum, aile bağlarının zayıflaması, artan boşanma ve okul şiddeti gibi sorunlara yol açabilir. Alfa kuşağının mutsuz olma riski yüksek olduğundan, olumlu psikoloji gibi yaklaşımların önemi vurgulanıyor; aksi takdirde erken yaşta ölmeyi isteyen, sorumsuz bir nesil olma riskleri bulunuyor.

Generation X, Y, Z... If you think the alphabet has run out of letters, let's put it this way; those born after 2010 are very, very different children. They are Alpha. The concept of technological development cannot fully define them. Because all Alphas are born as children of the digital age.

Üsküdar University Rector, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan made important evaluations about the Alpha generation in the February 2019 issue of TRT Vizyon Magazine.

How do you think the psychology of the Alpha generation will be?

The characteristic of this generation will be individually more entrepreneurial, more self-centered, more conformist. It will be more fond of ease and comfort. It will be more impetuous and impatient. And it will be a generation focused on itself. The current generation was communicating through social contact, while the Alpha generation will make friends with autonomous robots. Autonomous robots will become so widespread and cheap that they will become friends. Just as 20 years ago it was utopian to have such easy access to cell phones, now it will be just as common to make friends with autonomous robots. Because autonomous robots are learning robots. Like mechanical friendships. Robots that say yes to every question and speak the language they understand will emerge. The current generation Y and Z love animals that obey them. A dog, for example. Because the dog says yes to everything they say. It feeds his narcissism. The dog is a being that doesn't object to everything. The cat is a being that objects. Many other animals object. Dogs are the animals that say yes to everything and obey. And the generation likes that. Now there is an easier way than keeping a dog at home. They will keep a robot at home. He can unplug the robot whenever he wants. The robot can do all the cute things for him that the dog does.

"The Alpha generation will be more impetuous, impatient and self-oriented. Autonomous robots will become so common and cheap that they will become friends."

Machines are also learning machines. After a while, the robot will learn from that person what they are angry about, what they are not angry about, what the tone of their voice rises and what it does not. And it will give the reactions that person likes. Only robots tailored to that person will emerge. In such a situation, people will not feel the need for marriage or friends.

"Will this situation make future generations lonely?"

A person who speaks so comfortably with a computer in his hand today will not be able to tolerate others saying no or behaving in a negative way, and will not feel the need. Social communication will be done by robots. But business communication is different. In business communication, contact with people is obligatory, but in his private life, he will satisfy his sense of loneliness with robots. Robots are likely to be the new means of satisfying the feeling of loneliness. If they grow up in a family, they will be fond of their families. But since their sense of autonomy is high, they will be generations intolerant of criticism because they are competitive. They may be more negative depending on the responsibility within the family.

They will satisfy their loneliness with autonomous robots rather than the family. If the child communicates with the robot in his/her room, he/she doesn't need mom and dad. When television became widespread in America, a survey was conducted. Children were asked, 'Should the television or your father leave the house? ' 60% of them answered 'Dad should leave the house'. Such a child will have weak family ties. Recently, the rate of divorces is increasing, school violence is increasing, and this rate will be thought-provoking in the Alpha generation, which will be the fruits of Generation Y and Z. People all over the world are wealthy but not happy. In the research on why people are not happy, positive psychology is defined as the science of happiness in order to improve people's happiness. In 2009, the first congress of positive psychology was held. How to be happy is being researched. Positive psychology was developed not as a science of disease but as a science of psychology. It was called Positive Psychology. In 2015, Harvard University offered this course as an elective. And the course became a groundbreaking and popular. In 2018, 1200 people chose this elective course at Yale University and this course was taught in lecture halls for 1200 people. We, as Üsküdar University, made it a compulsory course in 2012 and offer it to all undergraduate and graduate students. Therefore, we have offered a scientific option in humanity's search for happiness.

"Don't let them be the generation that wants to die at an early age"

The Alpha generation is probably not heading towards happiness. As long as the Alpha generation is not an irresponsible, unhappy generation that wants to die at an early age. We see that antidepressants are widely used in the world. Antidepressants have become measurable in the sewers in Manhattan. The Alpha generation is not heading towards happiness, it will most likely be an unhappy generation. If no measures are taken. Capitalism first makes you sick and then cures you. This treatment is Positive Psychology.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 March 2019
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